Hi all, first post. So, I have a nice data set, basically what one might imagine a crude library system to be: username, checkOutTime, checkInTime, <position>, <position>.

The mentioned <position> entries are ints that I use to increment the position of points on a scatter plot w/ lines for the Y axis (so I get a nice line representing the entire time a book is checked out, for each book). I'm trying to make a scatter plot graph template, with lines, that has date+times on the X axis and arbitrary ints on the Y axis for spacing.
To accomplish this I made a quick test data set and crafted a nice little graph for it, selecting the username as the line name, the checkOutTime and checkInTime as the X variables and the two <position> ints as the Y variables. I also did a few formatting things, and I think I've gotton it to where I like it.
So now I save this as a template and move over to my real data set (which is gigantic) and load up the template, but it doesn't work at all. Instead, I get a mapping of all of the usernames, OutTimes, and InTimes against the first and second <position>'s (which ends up being a linear relationship representing nothing).

Do templates not work the way I think they do? Am I asking too much of Excel 2010? Am I dumb? Surely the Excel Forum Community must know.