Hello World!

I have created Web Query URLs (in XML) that I would now like to use to feed the Web Query Data into a pre-existing form in Excel (a template for reports that my company uses).
Until now, this data has always been copy and pasted into this form :P What a waste of human life AND Excel potential!
I would like to change this and am thinking about creating an Excel data table to let Excel "know" which data belongs where.
But even though my (Excel) ambitions are high, I am still a newbie, and after reading up on web queries and data tables, I still do not know how to go about this.
Can anyone help?
Do I need to turn the web query data into an Excel data table and the pre-existing report form, too? And when I'm done with that, how can I let the report form know which columns it has to feed with which data? I tried to link the tables, but it didn't work
Also, what would be the best way to set up the whole thing so that I can refresh the data regularly?
I would be super happy if someone could help me! :D :D

Thank you, Excel friends