Hello all, first time poster here. There's a tool I'm trying to design in Excel that is a strategic marketing 'optimizer' of sorts for campaigns. I created this dashboard you can see here:


The quadrants refer to what we SEE from the customers, what they SAY, THINK, DO, etc.. with regards to any marketing campaign that goes out.

I want to focus on the last 3 quadrants: SAY, THINK and DO.. and rank them in order of importance/priority (literally 1 2 and 3).. once selected (via data validation) then you'll find two other optimizers that will update information having to do with recommended ad attributes (colors, scheme, etc) and recommended target info (age, gender, etc). So essentially this part is not a dashboard, but 3 'optimizers'. Not terribly tough with data validation, but where it gets complicated is that I'd also like to be able to apply data validation to the values of the other two optimizers so that when I change info in one optimizer, they reflect in the other two.

I know this probably sounds like a mouthful, but you can see the worksheet I'm referring to here: https://app.box.com/s/k9wowmj4m1llhw4662ng

What I have currently is on the 'Optimizer' tab.. scroll down a little further to see what I want it to look like. A colleague came up with the mock data (other tabs), but unfortunately I can't get his help because he's out of town now. Issue is that I need to get this working using his data. In desperate need of help getting this to work, it just seems really complicated with the formulas he used. If anyone can help I'd really appreciate it!

Feel free to PM me if you think you can help. Thank you so much for your time!