Hi, ignore that. Set up a spreadsheet with the following headings in col A,
as indicated: A2: Bill,
A3 Tenant A,
A4 Tenant B,
A5 Tenant C.

In B1, type in "Jan". Move your cursor to the bottom right hand corner,
where it changes to a +, click, hold and drag across to Col M. That will
give you the months of the year.

In B5, enter the following formula : =B2-(B3+B4). Now drag this across to
col M as well.

You are set up and ready to go. Enter the bill amount in Row 2, below the
relevant month, the known costs in row 3 and 4, and see the other tenant's
cost in Row 5.

Save, and build up a record for the year.

"Biff" wrote:

> Hi!
> Subtract from the total kwh, the known kwh used by the 2
> tennants. The result you get will be the kwh used by the
> third tennant.
> Divide the total kwh by the kwh for each tennant. This
> will return each tennants percentage of kwh used.
> Multiply each tennants percentage used by the total bill
> amount.
> Biff
> >-----Original Message-----
> >How would I find or make a spreadsheet for splitting an

> electric utility bill
> >among three tenants? The knowns are the total kwh used,

> the total bill and
> >the number of KWH used by two of the three tenants.
> >
> >Thanks!
> >.
> >
