Cross posting without references breaches the forum rules and does not help your case. I appreciate that this may be because you haven't had any responses but, you are likely to irritate members of both forums.

And I suspect the reason that you have had no replies is that you are really looking for a hand crafted solution, not help to overcome difficulties encountered developing your own solution.

You could start by recording one or more macros while you undertake the individual steps. Then generalise the code, combine the macros and tweak as required.

Step 1: switch on Autofilter. Filter on one of the columns for blank cells. Delete the visible rows and switch off the autofilter.

Step 2: sort the data into order

Step 3:add a formula to the worksheet to generate the sequence number. Record a macro to save that formula into a cell. Tweak to apply to whole range.

If you intend to continue with this on you own, you could ask separate, simple, questions to get help for each task.

If you don't want to do it yourself, you could try paying in the Commercial Services forum. Alternatively, you could employ an Excel/VBA consultant.

Regards, TMS