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Runtime error 1004 - Application-defined or object-defined error

  1. #1
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    Runtime error 1004 - Application-defined or object-defined error


    The following code was provided to me last night (thanks a bunch!!), but as I also need to identify which provider is responsible for the different sections that are listed, I have modified the sheets being copied to have the provider's name listed in column A for each row. When I changed the range to incorporate the changes I am now getting the following error:

    Runtime error 1004 - Application-defined or object-defined error.

    The line highlighted by the error is:
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    Another issue I have is the merged cells that are in the worksheets being copied. If I use the PasteValues option, I get an error that the merged cells must be the same size. I need to use paste values to pull the doctors name in as column A on the source worksheets has a formula to populate that.

    the code now reads: I have also attached a revised version of the example worksheet
    the code is listed in Module5
    Example Worksheet-3.xlsm

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    Any help is greatly appreciated

    Last edited by Leith Ross; 04-14-2014 at 04:06 PM.

  2. #2
    Forum Moderator - RIP Richard Buttrey's Avatar
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    Re: Runtime error 1004 - Application-defined or object-defined error


    I don't experience the first problem you describe when manually stepping through and running the macro. Would you let us know exactly what steps youj are taking that causes the macro to crash.

    As for merged cells then my best advice is to avoid them like the plague. They really are far too much trouble than they are worth, causing many problems particularly in macros. Usually the simple formatting instruction 'Center across selection' achieves the same end.
    Richard Buttrey

    RIP - d. 06/10/2022

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  3. #3
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    Re: Runtime error 1004 - Application-defined or object-defined error

    Hi, Thanks for replying. All I am doing is clicking the macro and immediately it gives me the error. As for the merge part if you look at the provider pages, the mergers are necessary due to the formatting of the top part of the form.

    Not sure what you mean by manually stepping through the macro.

    I am using Windows 8.1 now and Excel 2010.

    Any help would be greatfully appreciated.

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  4. #4
    Forum Moderator - RIP Richard Buttrey's Avatar
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    Re: Runtime error 1004 - Application-defined or object-defined error

    No, sorry I still don't encounter a problem when running the Billing_CopyIt macro.
    By stepping through it I merely meant running it one line of code at a time and watching for it to fall over - which it didn't.

    I too am using Excel 2010 and Windows 8.1

    I don't think the merged fields are absolutely necessary since you can achieve the same thing by using format centering across selection if required or indeed formatting left or right.

  5. #5
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    Re: Runtime error 1004 - Application-defined or object-defined error


    Thanks again for responding. I don't know what the difference is between what you are doing and I am, but I get the error every time I run the macro. I haven't tried stepping thru it (to be honest, not sure how to do that). I am not very good at writing code but ususally can understand what someone else has written and adapt it to what I need. The original code was provided to me in an earlier post -"Code to copy and paste not working".

    Any suggestions of how I can troubleshoot this would be appreciated.


  6. #6
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    Re: Runtime error 1004 - Application-defined or object-defined error

    I think you can only use (Select) "special cells" in a single column, but you have it in multi selection (A-J).
    Even if it works on multi selection, this line will error

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    If A is the first column, you can not go to the left of it.

    As to the merged cells, there is no way round, you need to unmerge cells first before you copy and paste them.

  7. #7
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    Re: Runtime error 1004 - Application-defined or object-defined error

    Hi again,

    I just found how to step through it. And it works until you get thru all the worksheets that are not to be used. It starts the Case Else section, but as soon as it gets to the Set rng = rng.Resize(rng.Rows.Count, rng.Columns.Count + 1).Offset(, -1) is when I get the error.

    Help!!!! thanks

  8. #8
    Forum Moderator Leith Ross's Avatar
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    Re: Runtime error 1004 - Application-defined or object-defined error

    Hello missit,

    If I understand this correctly then the attached workbook should do what you want. Check it out and let me know. The macro below has been added to Module7.

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    Leith Ross

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  9. #9
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    Re: Runtime error 1004 - Application-defined or object-defined error


    That works great. Now here is the hard part. I need to separate each of the groups that are copied and put the name of the provider above each group.

    So it would look something like this.

    Patient Acct. No. DOB Date of Service Provider Orig E/M Auditor E/M Billing Supports
    Dr X.
    V18376970 4/21/92 3/23/14 99283 99282 N
    V18376954 2/9/57 3/23/14 12001 12001 Y
    V18377069 8/6/12 3/23/14 99282, 69200 9282, 69200 Y
    V18377010 8/29/40 3/23/14 99282 99282 Y
    V18377168 10/4/41 3/23/14 99283 99283 Y
    Dr. Y
    Omarion T. Atchley 11/4/08 2/28/14 99202, 99383 99383 N


    The provider's name is in cell C4 as well as the sheet name. I have been trying to figure this out for 3 days now and it has about eaten my lunch.

    Another part of the wish list is that there may be times that the other sections that are currently collapsed could have data in them as well that would need to be captured, but it is a wish list item at this point.

    If you can help me get the provider's name above each group, that would be tremendous.

    Thank you!!!!!


  10. #10
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    Re: Runtime error 1004 - Application-defined or object-defined error


    I apologize. You did exactly what I asked for. Thanks you. it took me awhile to figure out what was going on.

    This is solved!!!!!!!

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