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Use Worksheets Specified by User Input (Like Print Dialogue)

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    Excel 2013

    Use Worksheets Specified by User Input (Like Print Dialogue)

    I have a program that takes all the sheets in an excel workbook and creates a pivot table on a new sheet that uses all the data. I would like to modify it so that the user can input which worksheets to use, and interpret the input. Here are my ideas for how it would work.

    Input: 1, 3-5, Accounting - Marketing
    Possible Middle Step: {1, 3, 4, 5, "Accounting", ... , "Marketing"}
    Interpretation: {Worksheets(1), Worksheets(3), Worksheets(4), Worksheets(5), Worksheets("Accounting"), ..., Worksheets("Marketing")}

    Input: "All"
    Interpretation: {Worksheets(1), ... , Worksheets(Worksheets.Count)}

    1. Numbers need to be interpreted as integers and strings as strings
    2. Spaces should be ignored. Ie. "1,3-5,Accouting-Marketing" = "1, 3 - 5, Accouting - Marketing"
    3. The size of the array containg the selected worksheets will be variable.
    4. Handling odd user input. Ie. Overlapping ranges, misspelled worksheet names, reversed ranges (5-3), or numbers out of range.

    Here is what I've started. I'm actually not sure where to proceed from here. I was thinking of searching the string wsheets(i) for the two numbers and using them for a loop to add all the intervening numbers into an array, but I'm not sure how to deal with the above issues.

    Edit: I managed to make a fair bit of progress. I think I've solved issues 1 and 2. I still need to solve issues 3 and 4, and I'm not sure if the way I've done this is the best way or not.
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    I would post a sample with the full code, but the rest of my code isn't bug-free, and since this will be used to build a query, all I really need is strings of worksheet identifiers to put into the query.

    Thank you everyone,

    Last edited by k64; 05-16-2014 at 04:15 PM. Reason: Update Code

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