Hi, I have learned a lot from the great advice from this forum. I am fairly comfortable with visual basic but This one has me stumped. I need a macro to combine one cell's comments with another cell's. My spreadsheet accumulates data and time stamped, progressive comments are necessary. I have no trouble combining two cell's comments if both cells have comments(i.e activecell.comments.text text:=range("A1").comment.text & Chr(10) & range("B1").comment.text etc..). The wrinkle I am running into is if one of the cells has no comment my macro "bugs" out. If this could be done by excel formula I would not have to post this thread. Instead of giving you an example of my macro here is basically what I need.

I need to combine the comments from A1 and B1 into C1. If A1 has no comment I need the code to bypass that and just add the comment from B1(and vice versa if A1 has a comment and B1 does not). I have tried if conditions and else commands but I must be mucking it up somewhere. I have spent a lot of time searching online and through these forums to help myself and not bother you fine people. Any help in the right direction would be most appreciated.