I have 2007. I have a master spreadsheet with all the companies part number in the first column, then description, weight, height, depth, master pack, inner pack, UPC, cost.....one and one. I then have multiple customers that ask us to submit our items to them, and each spreadsheet from the customer is a little different. One wants the weight in column D while another wants the weight in column W. I want to open the customers spreadsheet, manually enter my part number's in column A, click on B2 and run a macro that ask's me what information I want to have entered in column B, like "Description". The marco would then run a vlookup of the parts I entered in column A and pull the "Description" from my master spreadsheet. Then click on C2, run the same marco, pick "Weight" to fill in that column and continue until I have everything I need pulled from the master.
Can VBA do that? I can't figure out entering a drop down list for the "Col_index_num" variable. Thanks for your help.