
I receive a monthly spreadsheet with 10 columns of data from different operations in different sheets, unfortunately there is no consistency between the data on different sheets. I currently copy these data values manually into a "database" excel file into separate sheets with automatically updating ranges and graphs.

I have been thinking about trying to automate the copying process and have some idea of how I could go about it. I am hoping you can point me in the right direction as I am still a beginner at VBA.

Possible process -
Rename the file and copy it into a specific location. The macro on the database will link to this file name, sheet name in this location.
Use Range (A:Z). copy worksheetX -> Range(activecell.ActiveCell.End(xldown).select... I would need to do this for all the sheets and all the columns somehow, would this work under all the same sub?

Obviously I haven't worked out the code yet and might need help in the future but I was just wondering if I was in the right ballpark?
