Quote Originally Posted by Garshan300 View Post
can any one help even if there a Video i can watch and teach myself how to do it that would be great.....G
I do not know of a video. But your requirement is very common. And lots of solutions for similar requirements are in Threads here. Try searching under things like, Consolidating worksheets... sheets to one sheet etc.. etc..
. it also a common sort of thread type that I answer, so click in my name up there in the left when you are logged in and check out some of my Threads of that nature..In particular you will see that my codes easily allow you to pick out the columns you want.

If you then still need specific help then please try to give somehow
Good before and after “ Pictures “ as well as your explanations so I or anyone else can see exactly what you want..

. The Before or Befores, should look just as it / they does before running of any macro.
. The After or Afters, should be hand filled by you so that it they / looks exactly as you want it to After running of any macro, based on the actual sample data in the Before / or Befores
. Make sure there is just enough data to demonstrate your need. Remember to desensitize the data if necessary, but use the typical Format type and choose your data carefully so that it can be used to test all possible scenarios.
To give these "Picture" - a few ways...

. 1 ) use the Forum Tools in my signature to produce screen shots we can copy to a spreadsheet ( NO IMAGES ! )
. 2 ) Post Files
. 2 a) To Attach a sample workbook:
View Pic
. 2 b) Send over a file sharing site, such as this free thing
Box Net,
. Remember to select Share and give the link / links they give.
. 3 c) Only as a last resort, P.M ( private Message ) . me and i will reply with my Email Addressee so you can send me a file
** To PM me, click on my name in the left hand margin when you are logged in, the rest should be obvious.
