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Inputing into Cell creates Command button (or alternative) on userform

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    Inputing into Cell creates Command button (or alternative) on userform

    Hi everyone, hopefully I'm following forum rules correctly but if not the please move topic/let me know and I'll make sure I follow them properly!

    To the problem!

    I am attempting to create a database of participant information that can be accessed by the team at the charity I work for, I am no-where near creating the whole database at this point but am trying to create the parts to use within it. I'm also using these tasks to help me learn VB in the hope that when I come to put all the parts together to create the database I will have a vague idea of what I am doing.

    Anywho, thus far I have used information and tutorials from the web to create a button on a worksheet which takes the user to a userform which asks for participant information (first, surname, address, etc).

    Once this data is entered into the userform it is sent to the registration worksheet while the firstname and surname are also sent to the signin sheet. Now here comes my problem.

    I would like another userform (signin) that when opened will have the names that have been entered into the signin available as commandbuttons or similar, that when clicked on will turn Green to show that they have been signed in. When the user form is saved-(data sent to worksheet) I would like the date the userform was saved to show up along the top of the worksheet and a mark under it to show who was present on that day along with a total.

    Now that I write that out it sounds like a lot. My Current test Workbook is attached and I have attached a screen shot of the userform interface idea for the signin sheet.

    Any help is much appreciated or any directions to tutorials etc that cover that sort of things would also be great (cells creating buttons doesn't seem to come up often)

    Thanks for looking!
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