Hi All,

I am currently trying to insert pictures from files directly into cells (which I have managed, unfortunately the pictures disappear when scrolling or printing but become visible if right clicked. here is the code I am using:

Sub Image6_Click()
Dim ImgFileFormat As String
Dim PictCell As Range
Dim Ans As Integer
Dim Pict As String
ImgFileFormat = "Image Files jpg (*.jpg),*.jpg,bmp (*.bmp), *.bmp, tif (*.tif),*.tif"
Pict = Application.GetOpenFilename(ImgFileFormat)
On Error Resume Next
If Not Pict = False Then
Ans = MsgBox("Open : " & Pict, vbYesNo, "Insert Picture")
If Ans = vbNo Then GoTo GetPict
If Ans = vbYes Then Sheets("Sheet1").Image6.Picture = LoadPicture(Pict)
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub