Hi all!

I have been trying to write and record different Macro's to possibly help with a function I am trying to develop within a worksheet.

So I currently have a worksheet that contains a forecast table by months that displays one project on a standalone basis. Essentially the table itself is a giant sumifs/vlookup that pulls data from elsewhere in the workbook.

At the top of the forecast tab is a data validated, drop-down list where the user selects which project they would like to view. When the user selects a project a work-order number auto-generates beside it.

Is it possibly to create a macro that will essentially search for the workorder number (that is a variable parameter) and send the user to where the data is being pulled from?

The closest I came was this....

Range("$T$4").Select 'This is the cell the workorder is included in
Cells.Find(What:="801163847", After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlFormulas, _
LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows).Activate

----Here in-lies the problem, when the macro searches within the .Find function for What=, it displays only a fixed workorder number and not searching for what is in cell $T$4.