I wrote a sub that takes a region, store id, and item code and searches for the combination on another data sheet. For example, it may have "east", "009473209" and "484475595" respectively, and it looks at the data sheet for the exact match of those 3 things and returns the sales. The data sheet has region in A, store # in B, item # in C, and sales in D. The problem is that the master data list has over 90,000 rows, and I need to search through about 350 stores for each item. I wrote nested for statements, and it takes forever to run.
The basic structure is:

get the region
get the item id

for every store
get the store number
for every data row
search for the unique combination of region, store, and item
end of inside for
end of outside for

Is there any faster way to do this? Should I be using vlookups or something instead?
Thanks for the help.