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VBA Error on multiple record entry

  1. #1
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    VBA Error on multiple record entry


    I have been developing a "Lessons Learned" database to record incidents, accidents, and near misses in a program I am working with. Data entry is performed via a form I have created. It has, over time, become more complex as I try to meet requests for more functionality. I suspect I've tried to cram way too much into this form. And now, I am experiencing an issue I think may be related to memory. I hoping for some advice to help me perhaps eliminate whatever may be causing the issue. The issue doesn't occur when I enter one or two records, then close the form. But when I enter three or more records, it crashes. So here are some of the details, and thanks in advance for any help!

    Screen shots of the error msg, debugger, and form:

    error msg 1.png

    error msg.png


    VBA Code:

    Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()

    'Safety Record form

    Dim Cloc As Range
    Dim CCat As Range
    Dim CPhase As Range
    Dim CSubC As Range

    Dim dte As Date

    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Set ws = Worksheets("Lookups")

    For Each Cloc In ws.Range("Site_Name")
    With Me.Site
    .AddItem Cloc.Value
    End With
    Next Cloc

    For Each CPhase In ws.Range("Phase")
    With Me.cboPhase
    .AddItem CPhase.Value

    End With
    Next CPhase

    For Each CCat In ws.Range("safety")
    With Me.cbo_cat
    .AddItem CCat.Value

    End With
    Next CCat

    For Each CSubC In ws.Range("subcatS")
    With Me.cbo_subcatS
    .AddItem CSubC.Value

    End With
    Next CSubC

    End Sub

    Private Sub cmdAdd_Click()
    Dim lrow As Long
    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Set ws = Worksheets("Master")

    'find first empty row in database
    lrow = ws.Cells.Find(What:="*", SearchOrder:=xlRows, _
    SearchDirection:=xlPrevious, LookIn:=xlValues).Row + 1

    'check for a date
    If Trim(Me.txtDate.Value) = "" Then
    MsgBox "Please enter date"
    Exit Sub
    End If

    'check for a site
    If Trim(Me.Site.Value) = "" Then
    MsgBox "Please selecta a site"
    Exit Sub
    End If

    'check for Reporting Contractor
    If Trim(Me.txtReptC.Value) = "" Then
    MsgBox "Please provide Reporting Contractor"
    Exit Sub
    End If

    'Copy the data to the database
    ws.Cells(lrow, 1).Value = Me.txtDate.Value
    ws.Cells(lrow, 2).Value = Me.Site.Value
    ws.Cells(lrow, 3).Value = Me.txtReptC.Value
    ws.Cells(lrow, 4).Value = Me.TxtSubC.Value
    ws.Cells(lrow, 5).Value = Me.cboPhase.Value
    ws.Cells(lrow, 6).Value = Me.cbo_cat.Value
    ws.Cells(lrow, 7).Value = Me.but_OSHA.Value
    ws.Cells(lrow, 8).Value = Me.But_FirstAid.Value
    ws.Cells(lrow, 9).Value = Me.But_Lost.Value
    ws.Cells(lrow, 10).Value = Me.txt_daysLost
    ws.Cells(lrow, 11).Value = Me.But_Restricted.Value
    ws.Cells(lrow, 12).Value = Me.Txt_Restrict.Value
    ws.Cells(lrow, 13).Value = Me.But_Utility.Value
    ws.Cells(lrow, 14).Value = Me.But_PropDam.Value
    ws.Cells(lrow, 15).Value = Me.Txt_value.Value
    ws.Cells(lrow, 16).Value = Me.txt_Describe.Value
    ws.Cells(lrow, 17).Value = Me.Txt_Lesson.Value
    ws.Cells(lrow, 18).Value = Me.cbo_subcatS.Value
    ws.Cells(lrow, 19).Value = Application.UserName
    ws.Cells(lrow, 20).Value = Now
    ws.Cells(lrow, 20).NumberFormat = "mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss"

    'clear the data

    Me.txtDate.Value = ""
    Me.Site.Value = ""
    Me.txtReptC.Value = ""
    Me.TxtSubC.Value = ""
    Me.cboPhase.Value = ""
    Me.cbo_cat.Value = ""
    Me.cbo_subcatS.Value = ""
    Me.but_OSHA.Value = ""
    Me.But_FirstAid.Value = ""
    Me.But_Lost.Value = ""
    Me.txt_daysLost.Value = ""
    Me.But_Restricted.Value = ""
    Me.Txt_Restrict.Value = ""
    Me.But_Utility.Value = ""
    Me.But_PropDam.Value = ""
    Me.Txt_value = ""
    Me.txt_Describe.Value = ""
    Me.Txt_Lesson.Value = ""

    End Sub

    Private Sub ListRecord_Click()
    'dim the variables
    Dim i As Integer

    'find the selected item
    i = Me.ListRecord.ListIndex
    Me.ListRecord.Selected(i) = True

    'add the values to the text boxes

    Me.txtDate.Value = Me.ListRecord.Column(0, i)
    Me.Site.Value = Me.ListRecord.Column(1, i)
    Me.txtReptC.Value = Me.ListRecord.Column(2, i)
    Me.TxtSubC.Value = Me.ListRecord.Column(3, i)
    Me.cboPhase.Value = Me.ListRecord.Column(4, i)
    Me.cbo_cat.Value = Me.ListRecord.Column(5, i)
    Me.cbo_subcatS.Value = Me.ListRecord.Column(6, i)
    Me.but_OSHA.Value = Me.ListRecord.Column(7, i)
    Me.But_FirstAid.Value = Me.ListRecord.Column(8, i)
    Me.But_Lost.Value = Me.ListRecord.Column(9, i)
    Me.txt_daysLost.Value = Me.ListRecord.Column(10, i)
    Me.But_Restricted.Value = Me.ListRecord.Column(11, i)
    Me.Txt_Restrict.Value = Me.ListRecord.Column(12, i)
    Me.But_Utility.Value = Me.ListRecord.Column(13, i)
    Me.But_PropDam.Value = "Me.ListRecord.Column(14, i )"
    Me.Txt_value = Me.ListRecord.Column(15, i)
    Me.txt_Describe.Value = Me.ListRecord.Column(16, i)
    Me.Txt_Lesson.Value = Me.ListRecord.Column(17, i)

    'format date as a date

    End Sub

    Private Sub PrevRec_Click()
    'scroll back through previous records

    Dim i As Integer

    'select item message
    If Me.ListRecord.Value = "" Then
    MsgBox "Please select an item in the list above by clicking on it"
    Exit Sub
    End If

    'find record
    i = Me.ListRecord.ListIndex
    Me.ListRecord.Selected(i) = True
    If i = 0 Then Exit Sub

    'populate form with data from prev record

    Me.txtDate.Value = Me.ListRecord.Column(0, i)
    Me.Site.Value = Me.ListRecord.Column(1, i)
    Me.txtReptC.Value = Me.ListRecord.Column(2, i)
    Me.TxtSubC.Value = Me.ListRecord.Column(3, i)
    Me.cboPhase.Value = Me.ListRecord.Column(4, i)
    Me.cbo_cat.Value = Me.ListRecord.Column(5, i)
    Me.cbo_subcatS.Value = Me.ListRecord.Column(6, i)
    Me.but_OSHA.Value = Me.ListRecord.Column(7, i)
    Me.But_FirstAid.Value = Me.ListRecord.Column(8, i)
    Me.But_Lost.Value = Me.ListRecord.Column(9, i)
    Me.txt_daysLost.Value = Me.ListRecord.Column(10, i)
    Me.But_Restricted.Value = Me.ListRecord.Column(11, i)
    Me.Txt_Restrict.Value = Me.ListRecord.Column(12, i)
    Me.But_Utility.Value = Me.ListRecord.Column(13, i)
    Me.But_PropDam.Value = "Me.ListRecord.Column(14, i )"
    Me.Txt_value = Me.ListRecord.Column(15, i)
    Me.txt_Describe.Value = Me.ListRecord.Column(16, i)
    Me.Txt_Lesson.Value = Me.ListRecord.Column(17, i)

    'select the new row
    Me.ListRecord.Selected(i) = True

    End Sub

    Private Sub NextRec_Click()

    'select item message
    If Me.ListRecord.Value = "" Then
    MsgBox "Please select an item in the list above by clicking on it"
    Exit Sub
    End If

    'find record
    i = Me.ListRecord.ListIndex
    Me.ListRecord.Selected(i) = True
    If i = 0 Then Exit Sub

    'populate form with data from prev record

    Me.txtDate.Value = Me.ListRecord.Column(0, i + 1)
    Me.Site.Value = Me.ListRecord.Column(1, i + 1)
    Me.txtReptC.Value = Me.ListRecord.Column(2, i + 1)
    Me.TxtSubC.Value = Me.ListRecord.Column(3, i + 1)
    Me.cboPhase.Value = Me.ListRecord.Column(4, i + 1)
    Me.cbo_cat.Value = Me.ListRecord.Column(5, i + 1)
    Me.cbo_subcatS.Value = Me.ListRecord.Column(6, i + 1)
    Me.but_OSHA.Value = Me.ListRecord.Column(7, i + 1)
    Me.But_FirstAid.Value = Me.ListRecord.Column(8, i + 1)
    Me.But_Lost.Value = Me.ListRecord.Column(9, i + 1)
    Me.txt_daysLost.Value = Me.ListRecord.Column(10, i + 1)
    Me.But_Restricted.Value = Me.ListRecord.Column(11, i + 1)
    Me.Txt_Restrict.Value = Me.ListRecord.Column(12, i + 1)
    Me.But_Utility.Value = Me.ListRecord.Column(13, i + 1)
    Me.But_PropDam.Value = "Me.ListRecord.Column(14, i + 1)"
    Me.Txt_value = Me.ListRecord.Column(15, i + 1)
    Me.txt_Describe.Value = Me.ListRecord.Column(16, i + 1)
    Me.Txt_Lesson.Value = Me.ListRecord.Column(17, i + 1)
    'select the new row
    Me.ListRecord.Selected(i + 1) = True

    End Sub
    Private Sub cmdClose_Click()
    Unload Me

    End Sub

  2. #2
    Forum Expert
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    drevni ruchadlo
    MS-Off Ver

    Re: VBA Error on multiple record entry

    Use code markers to insert it (i.e. code), it's hard to read such a "text message".
    Maybe this (in three procedures):
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    What are these double quotes for ?

  3. #3
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    Re: VBA Error on multiple record entry

    Just curious why you would do this in Excel and not Access. Seems to me this would be something that Access is designed to do fairly easily vs programming it in Excel. Access could bring many benefits to it; faster as the data builds up, easier to alter, possible for multiple users to make entries at the same time, ability to "separate" the front end and back end so that users cannot access the whole database and alter it.

    Just an idea
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  4. #4
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    Re: VBA Error on multiple record entry

    Thanks for your responses. I hadn't even noticed the quotation marks in the code, and not sure how that happened. But I'm not sure that is what is causing the error. The error happens when I enter 3 or more records, and then click "close." The "close" command (unload) is what is popping up as erroring out.

    To be honest, I hadn't even thought of using Access, mainly because I am more familiar and comfortable with Excel. I'm not sure all my end users have or use Access, either. I'm working with a bunch of Engineers, and I have yet to run across a single Access file at this company. But maybe I'll look into your suggestion a little deeper.

  5. #5
    Forum Expert
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    Re: VBA Error on multiple record entry

    Quote Originally Posted by chicagolarsons View Post
    ...The error happens when I enter 3 or more records, and then click "close." The "close" command (unload) is what is popping up as erroring out..
    But "FrmSafe.Show" on a screenshot is not the "Unload" procedure, but the "Load" procedure.
    Can you check the code carefully with the "F8" key and exactly determine the place of error generation ?
    Change 'Load' and 'Unload' procedures:
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    Please Login or Register  to view this content.

  6. #6
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    Re: VBA Error on multiple record entry

    Quote Originally Posted by chicagolarsons View Post
    To be honest, I hadn't even thought of using Access, mainly because I am more familiar and comfortable with Excel. I'm not sure all my end users have or use Access, either. I'm working with a bunch of Engineers, and I have yet to run across a single Access file at this company. But maybe I'll look into your suggestion a little deeper.
    I only bring it up as it seems to be the right tool for the job. Just because I am more comfortable with a hammer doesn't mean I try and use it to screw in a screw.

    As soon as you say "database" Excel is no longer the right tool and it should instead be Access or another database software. Excel is for manipulating, summarizing and processing tabular data. In more recent years the additions of features like PowerPivot and data models have let it fake being a database, but even those tools are still meant to end with a summary or break down of the data, not as a means to store the data and relate it to other data sets long term.

    Its very unlikely they got licenced Excel but not Access. It may not be installed sure, but most IT dept's dont bother excluding certain parts of Office without a reason. Certainly check if Access is an option for everyone before moving to it but if you can use it, in the long run its likely a much better option. It should be easier to maintain, easier for end users, easier to fix and harder if not impossible for users to mess up.

  7. #7
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    Re: VBA Error on multiple record entry

    Thanks, I agree with your suggestions and will look into it further. I appreciate your feedback.

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