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Making 40 different combinations based on salary, position and percentage we want

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    Making 40 different combinations based on salary, position and percentage we want

    Hi All,

    Is there a way on Excel that allows me to generate 40 different fantasy teams with constraints and restrictions?

    Essentially, i need to fill a team with,
    - 2 Defenders
    - 4 Midfielders
    - 2 Attackers
    - 1 Flexi

    All the players have a price and the team needs to be worth $100,000 or less.

    if i pick out the players i like and give a percentage to each determining how many teams i would like that player to be in.... is there a way to generate 40 teams which will put each player in a certain amount of teams while not going over the salary cap? And also keeping in mind I can only have a certain amount of players in each position

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