BACKGROUND: I have implemented pseudo-conditional formatting code, where a few conditions are checked and then if met, it will copy the format of a reference cell. The end effect is that conditional formatting appears to be in effect. The reason I don't want to just use conditional formatting, is because with conditional formatting, undo becomes very slow.

PROBLEM: when copying and pasting format on all cells of a worksheet, this can be slow. But you can avoid copying and pasting formats, if the format is exactly the same between the reference cell and the cell in question. Question: how to compare if the format between 2 cells is the same or not?

I know you can do:
if WS.Cells(row, col).interior.color = RWS.Cells(rrow, rcol).interior.color then...

but that only checks the interior.color, but doesn't check font.color, it doesn't check font style etc. Rather than do a whole bunch of individual if..then.. statements, is there a way to check if ALL formats between 2 cells are the same?
