I'm trying to debug a macro that was written by someone else who is no longer with my company. My VBA skills are "ok", but I'm running into a problem.

The section of code where I'm running into the error is:

Dim btn_rng As Range
                Set btn_rng = calc.Range("B13:C13")
                calc.Buttons.Add(btn_rng.Left, btn_rng.Top, btn_rng.Width, btn_rng.Height).Select
                Selection.OnAction = master_wb_name & "!Rev_Rec_Calc_Button2"
                Selection.Characters.Text = "Click Here to Continue to Step 3"
I get the error at
Selection.OnAction = master_wb_name & "!Rev_Rec_Calc_Button2"
calc is a variable representing a specific sheet within the workbook
master_wb_name is set as a string equal to ActiveWorkbook.Name
Rev_Rec_Cal_Button2 is a call to another sub within the workbook

This workbook is hosted on a sharing site within my organization. Usually it runs just fine. Where the error comes in is when someone downloads the file even though they already have a version in their download folder. This changes the name of the workbook to "Workbook Name (1)", or "Workbook Name (2)", etc.

Is there a way to solve for this error without trying to explain to the folks that download the file that they already have a version downloaded?