So, I have a slightly weird one I hope You can help me with since Googling didn't help.

I have a software that has an API integration to Excel through the VBA Project Reference library. I often calculate in this software and use VBA to import results to Excel for further sharing and analysis.

Now, I have colleagues who doesne't have this software installed, but for whom I need to give the results in a manner so they can choose between settings and outputs, also using VBA.

Is there a way I can disable some of my Workbook's functionality if the reference is broken?

From this Microsoft Support link I can see a method to check the if the reference works, but not to check if it is available or not.

What I want the Sub to do:
On Open -> Check if the specific reference is available in the library
  • If TRUE, enable it and carry on
  • If FALSE, disable the broken reference, and run some other code (to hide missing functionality)

Code from link that seems to be close:
Sub CheckReference()

   Dim vbProj As VBProject ' This refers to your VBA project.
   Dim chkRef As Reference ' A reference.
   ' Refer to the activedocument's VBA project.
   Set vbProj = ActiveDocument.VBProject

   ' Check through the selected references in the References dialog box.
   For Each chkRef In vbProj.References
      ' If the reference is broken, send the name to the Immediate Window.
      If chkRef.IsBroken Then
         Debug.Print chkRef.Name
      End If


End Sub
I hope You can help,
