I have this xlsm file where I have this powerquery connection which sometimes doesn't connect and a window pops up like this


After clicking "connect", it connects (sometimes more than once I need to click connect). If I didn't notice the pop up, then no connection/refresh until I do.
I thought Errorhandler would take care of this, but it didn't. Even I tried adding Application.DisplayAlerts = False, still that didn't work.
What I am trying to do is, stop that window from popping up and run the code after 1 minute. Any help wouldn't be appreciated.

Here is the code.

Dim RunTimer As Date
Sub RefreshPowerQuery()
On Error GoTo MyError
 <My Code Here>

RunTimer = Now + TimeValue("01:00:00")
Application.OnTime RunTimer, "RefreshPowerQuery"
Exit Sub

Application.OnTime Now + TimeValue("00:01:00"), "RefreshPowerQuery"
End Sub