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Counting Days from Last Column that matches Criteria

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  1. #1
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    Counting Days from Last Column that matches Criteria

    Hope all is well,

    I was hoping someone could assist me with this.

    Sintek made sure that my next post includes as much details as possible with the best possible explanation.

    Hope the below makes sense.

    Attached is "Aging Sheet"
    There is currently 7 Columns & 10 Rows in the Table ("Table1") from A1:G10 (Columns will be added daily and thus why a code is used to get last row in table
    A1:G1 is Table1 Headers ( A1 = Reference for A:A, B:G Dates )
    My reference Column is A
    Each Row from 2 to 10 consist of text values "Online","Offline" and "-"

    There are 2 Columns from I:H wich is used for "Status"(I1) & "Days"(J1)
    Below is the code Sintek helped me with to determine the Status based on different Criterias

    Dim lc As Long, i As Long, Last3 As Range, Last As Range, cnt1 As Long, cnt2 As Long, cnt3 As Long, cnt4 As Long, LastCol As Long, LastRow As Long
    With Worksheets("CC1")
    LastCol = .Cells(1, .Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column ' Last Column on Sheet
    LastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row 'Last Row on Sheet
        With CC1.ListObjects(1)
            With .Range: lc = .Columns(.Columns.Count).Column: End With
            For i = 1 To LastRow - 1
                Set Last3 = .ListColumns(lc - 2).DataBodyRange(i).Resize(, 3)
                Debug.Print Last3.Address
                Set Last = .ListColumns(lc - 0).DataBodyRange(i).Resize(, 1)
                Debug.Print Last.Address
                cnt1 = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Last3, "Offline")
                cnt2 = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Last3, "Online")
                cnt3 = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Last, "Online")
                cnt4 = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Last3, "-")
                    If cnt3 >= 1 Then
                    .Range(i + 1, LastCol - 1) = "Online"
                    ElseIf cnt1 > 1 Then
                    .Range(i + 1, LastCol - 1) = "Offline"
                    ElseIf cnt4 = 3 Then
                    .Range(i + 1, LastCol - 1) = "No Data"
                    .Range(i + 1, LastCol - 1) = "Online"
                    End If
            Next i
        End With
    End With
    End Sub
    Now I now need to get the "Days" column to be populated as per attached.

    I have achieved this with normal formulas but is not consistent.

    I am trying to count the days the "Status" has been the same.

    Each Row in (J2 to LastRow) count the columns from right in Table1 and use that columns header in a Networkdays Formula to determine what the Duration of "Status" is.

    You will notice that the Formula does not look at the current Day due to:
    me not being able to iterate what's in my head.

    If G2 = I2 and F2 = I2 then
    count from G2 to where *column <> I2(Backwards / Right to Left) -- Basically if the column does not match the current Status then it means it only needs to count to that column as the status for that Day(Column) is different from the "Status" in I2.

    If G2 = I2 and F2 <> I2 Then
    Count from F2 to where *column <> I2(Backwards / Right to Left) -- Basiccaly if the Last Column does Match I2 but Last Colum -1 Does not match I2 then count from the cell which does not match(F2 in this case)

    Kind Regards,

    thank you for the support.
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  2. #2
    Forum Expert Sintek's Avatar
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    Re: Counting Days from Last Column that matches Criteria

    Below is the code Sintek helped me with to determine the Status based on different Criterias
    Nope...Not my code...Your code you strung together with snippets of misunderstood requirements...
    I would like to see this one pan out so that I can finally see what your initial requirement was that I was trying to understand in the other post...
    Good Luck...
    I don't presume to know what I am doing, however, just like you, I too started somewhere...
    One-day, One-problem at a time!!!
    If you feel I have helped, please click on the [★ Add Reputation] to left of post window...
    Also....Add a comment if you like!!!!
    And remember...Mark Thread as Solved...
    Excel Forum Rocks!!!

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    Re: Counting Days from Last Column that matches Criteria

    Quote Originally Posted by sintek View Post
    Nope...Not my code...Your code you strung together with snippets of misunderstood requirements...
    I would like to see this one pan out so that I can finally see what your initial requirement was that I was trying to understand in the other post...
    Lol seeing that you are here, why not assist?

    My explanation still not correct?

  4. #4
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    Re: Counting Days from Last Column that matches Criteria

    Hi I have managed it this far but for some reason I am not able to run the loop in another loop

    the "n" loop works fine as it reference each cell from last column to column 2

    But when the "n" loop is finished it does not run the "i" loop again?

    any suggestions?

    Sub Days()
    'LastCol = Last Column on Sheet in Row 1
    'LastRow = Last Row on Sheet in Column A
    'lc = Last Column in Table
    Dim _
    LastCol As Long, LastRow As Long, FirstRow As Long, lc As Long, n As Long, i As Long
    With Worksheets("CC1")
    LastCol = .Cells(1, .Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
    LastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
        With CC1.ListObjects(1)
            With .Range: lc = .Columns(.Columns.Count).Column: End With
            With .Range: FirstRow = .Rows(2).Row: End With
            lc = lc - 1
            For i = 2 To 10
                For n = 2 To lc
                    MsgBox i
                    MsgBox lc
                    lc = lc - 1
                Next n
            Next i
        End With
    End With
    End Sub

  5. #5
    Forum Expert Sintek's Avatar
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    Re: Counting Days from Last Column that matches Criteria

    88 views...this Post, 386 the other one...Duplicate posts by the way...Still wanting to achieve the initial request...

    And yet, no solutions...You keep on trying to explain what you are doing with formulas and loops and yet...All that has been asked is...Explain in step by step procedure what it is you want to achieve...

    Such as ... Look at sample file...In sample file I want to look at Columns x and y and z and ascertain this...
    Then I want to look at Columns a and b and c and want to ascertain this... etc etc etc...

    Put in your results and explain how you achieved these results...This way... someone might give you a simplistic solution...Which could have been offered in your other thread here in Post 4 or 5 already...
    Last edited by Sintek; 06-02-2021 at 12:37 AM.

  6. #6
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    Re: Counting Days from Last Column that matches Criteria

    Hi Sintek

    I've said multiple times that I need a "AGEING" report.
    Simply a report to tell me how many days a "Device" is in the state?
    I mean really if it is so difficult to understand then I don't know.

    My samples already have the expected results in them with formulas showing how it gets to that answer?


    If that is not self explanatory then I don't know.
    I was hoping that members on the Forum would understand the meaning of an "Ageing Report"?

    Last try at this and if no help then I honestly will give up.

    in the attached Sample("Ageing Sheet v4")

    I want to use each of the below per line
    Column L as my reference
    Column J to B as my Range
    Row 1 as my Table Headers

    Now I need a VBA Script to

    Match Column L with Column J in Row 2
    If Column L and J is the same then loop to next Column(Which is Column I)
    This "Loop" must run until it either finds a Column that does not match or ends loop.

    Take row 2 as reference,

    Row 2, Column L Indicates "Offline" -- Reference, Row 2
    Row 2, Column J = "Offline"
    Row 2, Column I = "Offline"
    Row 2, Column H = "Online"

    Now I need a Script that will Use Column L and match/count it within the rage when Column x, Row 2 does not equal Column L, Row 2

    In this case Row 2 Column H does not match Row 2 Column L. And thus resulting in 2 "Offline"

    Now knowing the Row number and Column Number where the last Successful match was, the code can grab the "Header" of that Column and will return ("01-Jun-21"). as that was the last column that matched the "Reference"

    Take Row 3.

    Row 3, Column L Indicates "Online" -- Reference, Row 3
    Row 3, Column J = "Online"
    Row 3, Column I = "Online"
    Row 3, Column H = "Online"
    Row 3, Column G = "Online"
    Row 3, Column F = "Online"
    Row 3, Column E = "Online"
    Row 3, Column D = "Offline"

    This the script needs to return value ("28-May-21") *** that was the last Column in Row 3 that matches the Column L, Row 3.

    Then with Column M, Row x ("Days") I need to use the Value returned from Above ("28-May-21") and do a NETWORKDAYS formula in order to determine the days Offline From TODAY().

    Now if this is not self explanatory then I don't know.
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  7. #7
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    Re: Counting Days from Last Column that matches Criteria

    Was that so difficult...Well done in explaining...
    by the by, your other uploaded files had incorrect results...
    Here is a easy to understand loop...by the way...M4 answer is incorrect in your sample...
    I am also sure that this code should not reference Col L & M but the offset columns of the end of table...
    Sub J3v16()
    Dim Fnd As Range, Status As String, row As Long, col As Long, cnt As Long
    With Sheets("CC1").ListObjects(1)
        For row = 1 To .DataBodyRange.Rows.Count
            Status = .Parent.Range("L" & row + 1)
            Set Fnd = .DataBodyRange(row, 2).Resize(, .Range.Columns.Count - 1).Find(Status, after:=.DataBodyRange(row, 2), searchdirection:=xlPrevious)
            For col = Fnd.Column To (.Range.Cells(1, 1).Column + 1) Step -1
                If .Range(row + 1, col).Value = Status Then
                    cnt = cnt + 1
                    .Parent.Range("M" & row + 1) = cnt
                    cnt = 0
                    Exit For
                End If
            Next col
        Next row
    End With
    End Sub

    So, now, if you can just explain the results you wanted in Col L as easy as you explained the above...then we just might easily be able to incorporate that requirement into the above code...Which would solve your initial requirement in your first thread...
    Last edited by Sintek; 06-02-2021 at 06:04 AM.

  8. #8
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    Re: Counting Days from Last Column that matches Criteria

    Quote Originally Posted by sintek View Post
    Was that so difficult...Well done in explaining...
    by the by, your other uploaded files had incorrect results...
    Here is a easy to understand loop...by the way...M4 answer is incorrect in your sample...
    I am also sure that this code should not reference Col L & M but the offset columns of the end of table...
    Sub J3v16()
    Dim Fnd As Range, Status As String, row As Long, col As Long, cnt As Long
    With Sheets("CC1").ListObjects(1)
        For row = 1 To .DataBodyRange.Rows.Count
            Status = .Parent.Range("L" & row + 1)
            Set Fnd = .DataBodyRange(row, 2).Resize(, .Range.Columns.Count - 1).Find(Status, after:=.DataBodyRange(row, 2), searchdirection:=xlPrevious)
            For col = Fnd.Column To (.Range.Cells(1, 1).Column + 1) Step -1
                If .Range(row + 1, col).Value = Status Then
                    cnt = cnt + 1
                    .Parent.Range("M" & row + 1) = cnt
                    cnt = 0
                    Exit For
                End If
            Next col
        Next row
    End With
    End Sub

    So, now, if you can just explain the results you wanted in Col L as easy as you explained the above...then we just might easily be able to incorporate that requirement into the above code...Which would solve your initial requirement in your first thread...
    Hi Sintek,

    I am now running into a error with the code you provided.

    I added 1600+ rows and results in
    Attachment 734981

    Could this be of the way the rows are added to the Table?

    I basically copied all data in my live Sheet (A2:A1874) and pasted as values in Table1 A1

  9. #9
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    Re: Counting Days from Last Column that matches Criteria

    Hi Sintek,

    Thank you.

    The reason for M4 seems incorrect, is because of the previous logic which needs to be :

    Row 4, Column L Indicates "Online" -- Reference, Row 4
    Row 4, Column J = "Offline"
    Row 4, Column I = "Online"
    Row 4, Column H = "Online"
    Row 4, Column G = "Online"
    Row 4, Column F = "Online"
    Row 4, Column E = "Online"
    Row 4, Column D = "Online"

    The reason why I am ignoring the last Column if "Offline" is because I will only report it as "Offline" if the last 2 Columns of the Table (In this case Column I:J) is Offline.

    So as per the explanation above.

    I need to have Column L ( Which you are correct, this will be an offset range from last Column in Table1 ) to do the following

    Based on the previous post I need to only look at the Last 3 Columns of the Table 1 and Count the times that a given Criteria is Met.

    Column J - Column H ( Last 3 Columns in Table 1 )

    Last = .ListColumns(lc - 0).DataBodyRange(i).Resize(, 1) ---- Last Column in Table 1 
    Last3 = .ListColumns(lc - 2).DataBodyRange(i).Resize(, 3) ---- Last 3 Columns in Table 1
    cnt1 = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Last3, "Offline")
    cnt2 = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Last3, "Online")
    cnt3 = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Last, "Online")
    cnt4 = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Last3, "-")
    Then the following needs to happen.

    If cnt3 = 1 Then
       Column L, Row x = "Online"
    ElseIf cnt1 > 1 Then
       Column L, Row x = "Offline"  
    ElseIf cnt4 = 3 Then
       Column L, Row x = "No Data"           
       Column L, Row x = "Online"
    End If
    If this will cause any issues can we not then do the calculations for Column N in sample with the range only from B:I if the Last Column (J) = "Offline"

    This will then basically exclude the last entry (Column J) from the calculations.

    then with the code
    Sub J3v16()
    Dim Fnd As Range, Status As String, row As Long, col As Long, cnt As Long
    With Sheets("CC1").ListObjects(1)
        For row = 1 To .DataBodyRange.Rows.Count
            Status = .Parent.Range("L" & row + 1)
            Set Fnd = .DataBodyRange(row, 2).Resize(, .Range.Columns.Count - 1).Find(Status, after:=.DataBodyRange(row, 2), searchdirection:=xlPrevious)
            For col = Fnd.Column To (.Range.Cells(1, 1).Column + 1) Step -1
                If .Range(row + 1, col).Value = Status Then
                    cnt = cnt + 1
                    .Parent.Range("M" & row + 1) = cnt
                    cnt = 0
                    Exit For
                End If
            Next col
        Next row
    End With
    End Sub
    If the Last Column (Column J) does not equal Status(Column L) then it should count that Column J with the others that does match.

    So if
    Column L = "Online" and Column J = "Offline" then
    --- It must count the Offline as Online.
    --- The Above Code + 1 When Last Column(Column J) does not equal to Status(Column L) ?

    This should only occur in cases where the Last Column(Column J) is "Offline" but the Status(Column L) is "Online"

    Hope this explanations is understood?

  10. #10
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    Re: Counting Days from Last Column that matches Criteria

    k, so help me understand...
    According to this...
    If cnt3 = 1 Then
       Column L, Row x = "Online"
    If the last column is "Online" then the status will always be "Online"
    If it is not then count the "Offline" in last 3 Col ... if the count is > 1 then status will be "Offline"
    If not then count the "-" in last 3 Col... If count = 3 then status = "No data"

    See if this works?
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    Last edited by Sintek; 06-02-2021 at 07:33 AM.

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    Re: Counting Days from Last Column that matches Criteria

    Quote Originally Posted by sintek View Post
    k, so help me understand...
    According to this...
    If cnt3 = 1 Then
       Column L, Row x = "Online"
    If the last column is "Online" then the status will always be "Online"
    If it is not then count the "Offline" in last 3 Col ... if the count is > 1 then status will be "Offline"
    If not then count the "-" in last 3 Col... If count = 3 then status = "No data"

    See if this works?

    This works on the Sample.

    How ever if I add more rows to Table it results in the same error as per Post #10
    Also Noted that the days does not actually grab the "Days" from header, If intended then i apologize for the wrong information.

    The "Days" (Column M) is actually a count instead of a NETWORKDAYS Function.

    With your code it needs to Grab the Header of X Column that does match and use that to determine the days with NETWORKDAYS. (Start Date, End Date)

    to make an example.

    If you change B1 from "25-May-21" to "25-Apr-21" the result in Colum M should be 28 Days?


    Hope this makes sense. Loadshedding just kicked in and my Pc off so will try do better examples when back on.
    Last edited by SteynfaardtD; 06-02-2021 at 08:26 AM.

  12. #12
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    Re: Counting Days from Last Column that matches Criteria

    Attachment not valid...So cannot test...
    I am assuming the Table does not start in row 1

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    Re: Counting Days from Last Column that matches Criteria

    Quote Originally Posted by sintek View Post
    Attachment not valid...So cannot test...
    I am assuming the Table does not start in row 1
    Hi Sintek,

    Same Table you shared "Copy of Aging Sheet v4"

    I added the raw data as values into the Sheet A2 and tested script again and no lock?

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    Re: Counting Days from Last Column that matches Criteria

    I added the raw data as values into the Sheet A2 and tested script again and no lock?
    I basically copied all data in my live Sheet (A2:A1874) and pasted as values in Table1 A1
    Like I said, cannot test as I do not have this file you are referring too...

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    Re: Counting Days from Last Column that matches Criteria

    Please see attached my Raw data type
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    Re: Counting Days from Last Column that matches Criteria

    Just can't win with you...

    What has this file got to do with anything???
    Last edited by Sintek; 06-02-2021 at 10:03 AM.

  17. #17
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    Re: Counting Days from Last Column that matches Criteria

    Never mind, I managed to copy that "Raw Data" into the "Copy of Aging Sheet v4".

    It is working now with all lines. Please can we just have look at the code to do the "Date" calculation based on the Header Date?

    So take the attached

    Row 2 , Column I = "Online"
    Row 2 , Column J = "Offline"
    Row 2 , Column K = "Offline"

    Now the current code works perfectly in the sense of a count?

    However if I change the Header (Row 1, Column J) to "02-May-2021" then the code needs to look at the actual last successful match( Which is J2 ) and use the Header(Date.value) and do NETWORKDAYS Function to actually determine the "Days"

    Sample result is in Column Q, Row 2.

    so the "Count"(2) that currently shows in "Days"(Column N,Row 2) needs to be used to grab the Header of the last found match(Column J, Row 2) and the run a Formula to determine the Actual Days from TODAY()
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    Last edited by SteynfaardtD; 06-03-2021 at 05:46 AM.

  18. #18
    Forum Expert Sintek's Avatar
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    Re: Counting Days from Last Column that matches Criteria

    For real?
    The Sheet you just uploaded has 1 column only????
    Copying that one column into the ageing sheet does what exactly...Nothing to all the other columns that are referenced by the code...so obviously the code won't work..

    I am outta here...perhaps someone else will be kind enough to offer their time to solve your issue...Good luck

    Please Note…
    Quoted From Rick Rothstein

    One thing you must keep in mind when you ask a question in a forum... the people you are asking to help you know absolutely nothing about your data, absolutely nothing about how it is laid out in the workbook, absolutely nothing about what you want done with it and absolutely nothing about how whatever it is you want done is to be presented back to you as a result... you must be very specific about describing each of these areas, in detail, and you should not assume that we will be able to "figure it out" on our own. Remember, you are asking us for help... so help us to be able to help you by providing the information we need to do so, even if that information seems "obvious" to you (remember, it is only obvious to you because of your familiarity with your data). To sum up... we only know what you tell us, nothing more. Also, uploading an actual file (see yellow banner near the top of this forum's window) showing your data as it exists and on another sheet showing how you want it to look after being processed would help immensely.
    Last edited by Sintek; 06-03-2021 at 05:44 AM.

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    Re: Counting Days from Last Column that matches Criteria

    Quote Originally Posted by sintek View Post
    The Sheet you just uploaded has 1 column only????
    Copying that one column into the ageing sheet does what exactly...Nothing to all the other columns that are referenced by the code...so obviously the code won't work..

    I am outta here...perhaps someone else will be kind enough to offer their time to solve your issue...Good luck
    Thanks for the help thus far.

    Will wait and see if someone else can assist.

    to Explain better is nearly impossible as this is a new Build.

    but never the less thanks for all you assistance thus far, cheers.

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    Re: Counting Days from Last Column that matches Criteria

    Put yourself in my position...From the get go with your other thread which is a duplicate of this thread I have been telling you to be more descriptive...
    It's like Rick says...We are not MIND READERS...

    Follow your instructions - paste that column into the ageing sheet you supplied and upload it here...and you will see it makes no sense...

  21. #21
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    Re: Counting Days from Last Column that matches Criteria

    Quote Originally Posted by sintek View Post
    Put yourself in my position...From the get go with your other thread which is a duplicate of this thread I have been telling you to be more descriptive...
    It's like Rick says...We are not MIND READERS...

    Follow your instructions - paste that column into the ageing sheet you supplied and upload it here...and you will see it makes no sense...
    Hi Sintek,

    i understand the frustration, but also understand mine as I do not know how you want things explained?

    Please see post #17 where I attached the file that we have been working on with the "Raw Data" in it.

    I noticed that if the Columns B:Last Column is Blank then it results in error.

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    Re: Counting Days from Last Column that matches Criteria

    Please see post #17 where I attached the file that we have been working on with the "Raw Data" in it.
    That is what I have been asking for...
    Instead you upload a raw data file in Post 15 with 1 Col of Site Id's and say that you copy that col into the ageing data...Doing that only has site id's and all the other columns are blank...Not so...

    Now I ask you...How on earth am I supposed to test anything or even reference your error without the correct data setup???

    And also...In future...Please do not edit previous posts details after responses...Otherwise nothing thereafter makes sense...

    Last try...Now that I have all the information in your file...
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    Last edited by Sintek; 06-03-2021 at 07:38 AM.

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    Re: Counting Days from Last Column that matches Criteria

    Hi Sintek,

    Not sure if i did something wrong but the results in "Days" are returning as 4000 + days or below "-1200".

    Please see attached.
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    Re: Counting Days from Last Column that matches Criteria

    Quote Originally Posted by SteynfaardtD View Post
    Hi Sintek,

    Not sure if i did something wrong but the results in "Days" are returning as 4000 + days or below "-1200".

    Please see attached.
    Hi Sintek,

    Went and played with it, But is there a way to fix the Date format as it now only seems to work on,
    "mm/dd/yyyy" and I cant seem to change the Format of the cells to match "dd-mmm-yyyy"

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    Re: Counting Days from Last Column that matches Criteria

    Quote Originally Posted by SteynfaardtD View Post
    Hi Sintek,

    Went and played with it, But is there a way to fix the Date format as it now only seems to work on,
    "mm/dd/yyyy" and I cant seem to change the Format of the cells to match "dd-mmm-yyyy"
    Hi Sintek,

    I managed thank you.

    I changed this
    Sub J3v16()
    Dim Fnd As Range, Rng As Range, Dt As Date, Status As String, row As Long, col As Long, cnt As Long, lc As Long
    With Sheets("CC1").ListObjects(1)
        lc = .Range.Columns.Count
        .Parent.Cells(1, lc + 2).Resize(, 2) = Array("Status", "Days")
        For row = 2 To .Range.Rows.Count
            Set Rng = .Range(row, lc - 2).Resize(, 3)
            If .Range(row, lc) = "Online" Then
               .Parent.Cells(row, lc + 2) = "Online"
            ElseIf Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Rng, "Offline") > 1 Then
                .Parent.Cells(row, lc + 2) = "Offline"
            ElseIf Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Rng, "-") = 1 Then
                .Parent.Cells(row, lc + 2) = "-"
                .Parent.Cells(row, lc + 2) = "Online"
            End If
            Status = .Parent.Cells(row, lc + 2)
            Set Fnd = .Range(row, 2).Resize(, .Range.Columns.Count - 1).Find(Status, after:=.Range(row, 2), searchdirection:=xlPrevious)
            For col = Fnd.Column To (.Range.Cells(1, 1).Column + 1) Step -1
                If .Range(row, col).Value = Status Then
                    cnt = cnt + 1
                    Dt = .Range(1, lc - cnt + 1).Value
                    .Parent.Cells(row, lc + 3) = Application.WorksheetFunction.NetworkDays(Dt, Date)
                    cnt = 0
                    Exit For
                End If
            Next col
        Next row
    End With
    End Sub
    To This

    Sub J3v16()
    Dim Fnd As Range, Rng As Range, Dt As Date, Status As String, row As Long, col As Long, cnt As Long, lc As Long
    With Sheets("CC1").ListObjects(1)
        lc = .Range.Columns.Count
        .Parent.Cells(1, lc + 2).Resize(, 2) = Array("Status", "Days")
        For row = 2 To .Range.Rows.Count
            Set Rng = .Range(row, lc - 2).Resize(, 3)
            If .Range(row, lc) = "Online" Then
               .Parent.Cells(row, lc + 2) = "Online"
            ElseIf Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Rng, "Offline") > 1 Then
                .Parent.Cells(row, lc + 2) = "Offline"
            ElseIf Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Rng, "-") = 1 Then
                .Parent.Cells(row, lc + 2) = "-"
                .Parent.Cells(row, lc + 2) = "Online"
            End If
            Status = .Parent.Cells(row, lc + 2)
            Set Fnd = .Range(row, 2).Resize(, .Range.Columns.Count - 1).Find(Status, after:=.Range(row, 2), searchdirection:=xlPrevious)
            For col = Fnd.Column To (.Range.Cells(1, 1).Column + 1) Step -1
                If .Range(row, col).Value = Status Then
                    cnt = cnt + 1
                    Dt = Format(.Range(1, lc - cnt + 1).Value, "dd/mmm/yy")
                    .Parent.Cells(row, lc + 3) = Application.WorksheetFunction.NetworkDays(Dt, Date)
                    cnt = 0
                    Exit For
                End If
            Next col
        Next row
    End With
    End Sub
    Last edited by SteynfaardtD; 06-03-2021 at 11:37 AM.

  26. #26
    Forum Expert Sintek's Avatar
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    Re: Counting Days from Last Column that matches Criteria

    Glad you got it sorted...thank you for added rep +

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