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Generating a list of combinations (similar to Cartesian Product but more than 1 from each)

  1. #1
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    Post Generating a list of combinations (similar to Cartesian Product but more than 1 from each)

    Long time reader first time asker!

    I have a set of data and I am looking to generate a list of the combinations, I have found VBA and formulas but can't seem to get it right. It is similar to the Cartesian Product but rather than it being one from each list, there are multiples from each list.

    For the example, for the data below I require 2 x West, 4 x North, 1 x South and 5 x East, however if a letter is used in one list it then cannot be used in any of the other lists (e.g. If D is in a combination as West it can't be also in there for North).

    West North South East
    D D A A
    E E B B
    F H C C
    G I F
    J G
    K H
    L I

    It will only ever be 4 columns (lists) or 2 columns (lists). With maximum number of elements in each column set as 10 and the total number to select never more that 5.

    It would be ideal if the data output was each letter appearing in a different cell on a row as a combination. Most of the research and trials the output was generally a delimiter and each combination in one cell.

    I have posted a similar thread (titled the same) on another excel forum but am unable to link it as a new user.

    Any guidance is appreciated!
    Last edited by Excel-can-do-that; 10-18-2021 at 09:01 PM.

  2. #2
    Forum Guru Pete_UK's Avatar
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    Re: Generating a list of combinations (similar to Cartesian Product but more than 1 from e

    It is not very clear what you want to achieve. Please attach a sample Excel workbook by following the guidelines in the yellow banner at the top of the screen. Your sample workbook should show some examples of what you want as the output.

    Hope this helps.


  3. #3
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    Exclamation Re: Generating a list of combinations (similar to Cartesian Product but more than 1 from e

    Yes exactly the same initial post issue than in its same thread on another forum …

  4. #4
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    Re: Generating a list of combinations (similar to Cartesian Product but more than 1 from e

    Hi Pete,

    Thanks for your response, I have uploaded an example sheet, hopefully that helps clarify.

    I tried to include the link to the thread I created of the same name on another forum in my initial post but as a new user was unable to. I am yet to receive a helpful response on said thread.

    Thanks again
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    Re: Generating a list of combinations (similar to Cartesian Product but more than 1 from e

    Administrative Note:

    Welcome to the forum.

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    Please see Forum Rule #3 about cross-posting and adjust accordingly. Read this to understand why we (and other sites like us) consider this to be important.

    (Note: this requirement is not optional. As you are new here, I will do it for you this time: https://www.mrexcel.com/board/thread...-list.1184747/)

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  6. #6
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    Re: Generating a list of combinations (similar to Cartesian Product but more than 1 from e

    158.760 Combinations !!!!
    Remember, saying thanks only takes a second or two. Click the little star * below, to give some Rep if you think an answer deserves it.

  7. #7
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    Re: Generating a list of combinations (similar to Cartesian Product but more than 1 from e

    a little bit less. 165
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  8. #8
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    Re: Generating a list of combinations (similar to Cartesian Product but more than 1 from e

    Thank you Bslav! I have been changing the variables around in the workbook and the VBA is working like a charm! You have saved me a lot of time!!
    Last edited by Excel-can-do-that; 10-18-2021 at 09:01 PM. Reason: Further discussion changed requirements

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