Hi all,
maybe someone can help me solve the following problem.

I would like to create an excel file that can be added to any folder with enormous amounts of different files stored inside.
Within this excel file, I have a fixed table consisting of 3 columns and one additional input for the file path.
The 1st column has a keyword stored in it, that is to be used for the vba filename lookup. It has a fixed range, e.g. Range("A1:A100")
The 2nd column is a selection which determines the scope of the file extraction, e.g. 40 out of 100 column 1 entries are marked with an "X" and are thus relevant for the scope of the data extraction whereas 60 are not relevant and must not be extracted.
The 3rd column is supposed to be used for the extraction and adding the full file name of the specific file that matches with its keyword. All 60 entries which are left out of the scope remain empty.

The idea is to write and run a macro that does the following things after I entered the file path in another field, e.g. B1:
1) Check which content has been selected within the scope for the data extraction -> 2nd column = "X"
2) Search the folder for a specific file that has the keyword (from the 1st column) stored within its name and is part of the scope (2nd column = "X"). The name of the file within the folder will be longer, but the keyword only consists in a specific kind of file which means for every keyword exactly one file can and will be found. If the 2nd column is not marked with an "X" and thus empty, those files do not need to be searched for.
3) Return the full filename based on the selected keyword including the data type (e.g. filename = Test_Excel_File.xlsx) and allocating this file name to the line of the keyword.

My main problem is to find a way of using the keyword as a variable input for the file selection and extraction process and to allocate the correct file name to those keywords based on the "X" condition defined in the 2nd column.
Has anyone any experience with this kind of problem, or can maybe even help to come up with a code that works for this specific problem?

Thanks in advance! 😊