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Calculations with VBA: Sum Product and Rate Lookup

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  1. #1
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    Wink Calculations with VBA: Sum Product and Rate Lookup

    Hello everyone,
    I hope you're all doing well today. I have a straightforward calculation that I intend to execute using VBA instead of direct sheet formulas. I'm specifically focusing on the yellow highlighted columns for this task.

    The given sheet already calculates the sum of working hours for each employee in every row.

    Now, I need to calculate the wage for each row, as indicated in column I. The formula in column I is simply (F2 * 24) * 0.54. Note that 24 is a constant, while the number 0.54 is variable based on the individual's hourly rate, as shown in table hour_rate (in Sheet2).

    So, I guess it is a VLOOKUP code that would retrieve the value of 0.54 from Sheet2. Hence, when this is achieved, I intend to perform a sum product operation on the values in column I, and the sum should consider only rows where the person is the same and has the same PRO. number simultaneously. These sum product values are calculated in column J.

    I've populated a few rows to illustrate the data. Please find below the VBA code for which a vba code may be added.

    Option Explicit
    Sub Work_Time()
        Dim etime As Date, wktime As Double, sTime As Double
        Dim WE_Time
        Dim a
        Dim i As Long, idate As Long, sdate As Long, edate As Long, wk_day As Integer
        Const WS_time = "08:00:00"
        WE_Time = Array("19:00", "17:00", "14:00")
        Application.ScreenUpdating = False
        a = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Value
        For i = 2 To UBound(a, 1)
            sdate = Int(a(i, 4)): edate = Int(a(i, 5))
            wktime = 0
            If sdate = edate Then                                                     ' Start & finish on the same day
                wktime = a(i, 5) - a(i, 4)
                For idate = sdate To edate                                             ' Loop FROM to TO dates
                    wk_day = Weekday(idate, vbMonday)                                 ' Get Weekday
                    If wk_day < 6 Then                                                ' Monday to Friday
                        etime = WE_Time(0)
                        If wk_day = 6 Then etime = WE_Time(1) Else etime = WE_Time(2) ' Saturday or Sunday
                    End If
                    Select Case idate
                        Case Is = sdate                                               ' Start Date
                            sTime = (a(i, 4) - Int(a(i, 4)))
                            wktime = wktime + (etime - sTime)
                        Case Is = edate                                               ' End Date
                            etime = (a(i, 5) - Int(a(i, 5)))
                            wktime = wktime + (etime - TimeValue(WS_time))
                        Case Else                                                      ' "In-between" dates
                            wktime = wktime + (etime - sTime)
                    End Select
                Next idate
            End If
            ' Adjust wktime based on values in columns G and H
            If a(i, 7) > 0 Then  ' Check if value in column G is greater than 1
                wktime = wktime - a(i, 7)  ' Reduce value in column G from wktime
            End If
            If a(i, 8) > 0 Then  ' Check if value in column H is greater than 1
                wktime = wktime + a(i, 8)  ' Add value in column H to wktime
            End If
            a(i, 6) = wktime
        Next i
        ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Value = a
        Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    End Sub
    I appreciate your assistance in implementing these calculations using VBA.

    Thank you very much!

    Attached is my whole file as for your sole convenience.
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  2. #2
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    Re: Calculations with VBA: Sum Product and Rate Lookup

    Option Explicit
    Sub Work_Time()
        Dim etime As Date, wktime As Double, sTime As Double
        Dim WE_Time
        Dim a
        Dim i As Long, idate As Long, sdate As Long, edate As Long, wk_day As Integer
        Dim lr As Long
        Const WS_time = "08:00:00"
        WE_Time = Array("19:00", "17:00", "14:00")
        Application.ScreenUpdating = False
        a = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Value
        lr = Cells(Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row
        For i = 2 To lr
            sdate = Int(a(i, 4)): edate = Int(a(i, 5))
            wktime = 0
            If sdate = edate Then                                                     ' Start & finish on the same day
                wktime = a(i, 5) - a(i, 4)
                For idate = sdate To edate                                             ' Loop FROM to TO dates
                    wk_day = Weekday(idate, vbMonday)                                 ' Get Weekday
                    If wk_day < 6 Then                                                ' Monday to Friday
                        etime = WE_Time(0)
                        If wk_day = 6 Then etime = WE_Time(1) Else etime = WE_Time(2) ' Saturday or Sunday
                    End If
                    Select Case idate
                        Case Is = sdate                                               ' Start Date
                            sTime = (a(i, 4) - Int(a(i, 4)))
                            wktime = wktime + (etime - sTime)
                        Case Is = edate                                               ' End Date
                            etime = (a(i, 5) - Int(a(i, 5)))
                            wktime = wktime + (etime - TimeValue(WS_time))
                        Case Else                                                      ' "In-between" dates
                            wktime = wktime + (etime - sTime)
                    End Select
                Next idate
            End If
            ' Adjust wktime based on values in columns G and H
            If a(i, 7) > 0 Then  ' Check if value in column G is greater than 1
                wktime = wktime - a(i, 7)  ' Reduce value in column G from wktime
            End If
            If a(i, 8) > 0 Then  ' Check if value in column H is greater than 1
                wktime = wktime + a(i, 8)  ' Add value in column H to wktime
            End If
            a(i, 6) = wktime
            a(i, 9) = a(i, 6) * 24 * Application.VLookup(a(i, 2), Range("Rate_tbl"), 3, 0)
        Next i
        ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Value = a
        Dim rng As Range
        Set rng = Range("J2:J" & Cells(Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row)
        With rng
            .Formula = "=SUMIFS(I:I,B:B,B2)"
            .Value = .Value
        End With
        Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    End Sub
    NOTE: changed table ("Rate_Tbl") in Sheet2 as VLOOKUP search parameter has to be FIRST in the range
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    Last edited by JohnTopley; 12-21-2023 at 03:44 PM.
    If that takes care of your original question, please select Thread Tools from the menu link above and mark this thread as SOLVED.

  3. #3
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    Re: Calculations with VBA: Sum Product and Rate Lookup

    Hey John,

    Your solution is working perfectly. However, I anticipate a need to update the hourly rates in Sheet2. When I make these changes, I'd like to preserve the calculations based on the previous rates and only apply the new rates to future calculations. How can we manage this effectively?

  4. #4
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    Re: Calculations with VBA: Sum Product and Rate Lookup

    You will need to add a "Date Effective" for each person [and or table] to your rate table which allows the comparison of the Start / End dates with this date.

    You need also to consider that a "Date Effective" COULD occur between "Start/End" dates so there are 2 rates to consider in this scenario .

  5. #5
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    Re: Calculations with VBA: Sum Product and Rate Lookup

    Hi John,
    I've understood your suggestion. In this scenario, I formulate a new table in Sheet2.
    I assume in my case that when the start date matches the effective date that i enter in cell F2 on Sheet2, that specific hourly rate should be considered.
    For any other cases, your previous code should handle it as before.

    To clarify, if there is no effective date specified, or if the start date is before the effective date, the original hourly rate remains effective.
    Only when there is a matching start date with the specified effective date should the new rate come into play.
    I appreciate your guidance on how to incorporate these adjustments.
    Thank you.
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  6. #6
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    Re: Calculations with VBA: Sum Product and Rate Lookup

    Why post a w/book that does not have the LATEST code produced [i.e that from post #2] ?

  7. #7
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    Re: Calculations with VBA: Sum Product and Rate Lookup

    Option Explicit
    Sub Work_Time()
        Dim etime As Date, wktime As Double, sTime As Double
        Dim WE_Time, eff_date As Long
        Dim a
        Dim i As Long, idate As Long, sdate As Long, edate As Long, wk_day As Integer
        Dim lr As Long
        Const WS_time = "08:00:00"
        WE_Time = Array("19:00", "17:00", "14:00")
        Application.ScreenUpdating = False
        a = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Value
        lr = Cells(Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row                                     ' Last row of data
        For i = 2 To lr
            sdate = Int(a(i, 4)): edate = Int(a(i, 5))
            wktime = 0
            If sdate = edate Then                                                     ' Start & finish on the same day
                wktime = a(i, 5) - a(i, 4)
                For idate = sdate To edate                                            ' Loop FROM to TO dates
                    wk_day = Weekday(idate, vbMonday)                                 ' Get Weekday
                    If wk_day < 6 Then                                                ' Monday to Friday
                        etime = WE_Time(0)
                        If wk_day = 6 Then etime = WE_Time(1) Else etime = WE_Time(2) ' Saturday or Sunday
                    End If
                    Select Case idate
                        Case Is = sdate                                               ' Start Date
                            sTime = (a(i, 4) - Int(a(i, 4)))
                            wktime = wktime + (etime - sTime)
                        Case Is = edate                                               ' End Date
                            etime = (a(i, 5) - Int(a(i, 5)))
                            wktime = wktime + (etime - TimeValue(WS_time))
                        Case Else                                                      ' "In-between" dates
                            wktime = wktime + (etime - sTime)
                    End Select
                Next idate
            End If
            ' Adjust wktime based on values in columns G and H
            If a(i, 7) > 0 Then  ' Check if value in column G is greater than 1
                wktime = wktime - a(i, 7)  ' Reduce value in column G from wktime
            End If
            If a(i, 8) > 0 Then  ' Check if value in column H is greater than 1
                wktime = wktime + a(i, 8)  ' Add value in column H to wktime
            End If
            a(i, 6) = wktime                                                               ' Hours worked
            eff_date = Application.VLookup(a(i, 2), Range("Rate_tbl"), 4, 0)               ' look for Effective Date
            If eff_date <> 0 And sdate >= eff_date Then                                  ' If Sdate >= Effective date
                a(i, 9) = a(i, 6) * 24 * Application.VLookup(a(i, 2), Range("Rate_tbl"), 5, 0) ' Get new Hourly rate
                a(i, 9) = a(i, 6) * 24 * Application.VLookup(a(i, 2), Range("Rate_tbl"), 3, 0) ' Get Hourly rate
            End If
        Next i
        ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Value = a
        With Range("J2:J" & lr)
            .Formula = "=SUMIFS(I:I,B:B,B2)"                                        ' Calculate TOTAl earnings per employee
            .Value = .Value
        End With
        Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    End Sub
    changed dates in row 2
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    Last edited by JohnTopley; 12-21-2023 at 05:11 PM.

  8. #8
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    Re: Calculations with VBA: Sum Product and Rate Lookup

    And what happens when the "new" effective date expires ????

  9. #9
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    Re: Calculations with VBA: Sum Product and Rate Lookup

    Hi John, I hope you're doing well. I apologize for the delay in responding. I've discussed your proposed effective date solution with my teammates, and they've decided to implement it. In the event that the effective date expires, the plan is to transition to another sheet. Thank you so much for your code – your solution has significantly streamlined our processes. Your assistance is greatly appreciated.

  10. #10
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    Re: Calculations with VBA: Sum Product and Rate Lookup

    Ah, you're right..here is the new updated workbook
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