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Get enddatetime if X no. of working hours is added to startdatetime

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  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Get enddatetime if X no. of working hours is added to startdatetime

    Hi I am facing difficult in getting the correct enddate time.
    Please refer to my attachment. Those in Red are populating the wrong enddatetime. Can help to check my vba function?

    This are the criteria:

    1: Working hours for Weekday 8.30 am to 5.30 pm excluding lunch break from 12 pm to 1 pm
    2: Working hours for Weekends / PH is from 8.30 am to 12.30 pm (no lunch)

    My intention is to get the enddatetime if X no. of working hours is added to the startdatetime.
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  2. #2
    Forum Contributor
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    Geogia, USA
    MS-Off Ver

    Re: Get enddatetime if X no. of working hours is added to startdatetime

    A couple of observations, without changing your code too drastically.

    Function AddWorkingHours(startDate As Date, hoursToAdd As Integer) As Date
        Dim currentDateTime As Date
        Dim hoursRemaining As Integer
        Dim lunchStart As Date
        Dim lunchEnd As Date
        Dim publicHolidays As Collection
        Dim holiday As Variant
        ' Flag for current date is a public holiday
        Dim isHoliday As Boolean
        isHoliday = False
        ' Define public holidays
        Set publicHolidays = New Collection
        publicHolidays.Add DateSerial(2024, 1, 1)    ' 01-Jan-2024
        publicHolidays.Add DateSerial(2024, 2, 11)   ' 11-Feb-2024
        publicHolidays.Add DateSerial(2024, 2, 12)   ' 12-Feb-2024
        publicHolidays.Add DateSerial(2024, 3, 29)   ' 29-Mar-2024
        publicHolidays.Add DateSerial(2024, 4, 10)   ' 10-Apr-2024
        publicHolidays.Add DateSerial(2024, 5, 1)    ' 01-May-2024
        publicHolidays.Add DateSerial(2024, 5, 22)   ' 22-May-2024
        publicHolidays.Add DateSerial(2024, 6, 17)   ' 17-Jun-2024
        publicHolidays.Add DateSerial(2024, 8, 9)    ' 09-Aug-2024
        publicHolidays.Add DateSerial(2024, 10, 31)  ' 31-Oct-2024
        publicHolidays.Add DateSerial(2024, 12, 25)  ' 25-Dec-2024
        ' loop the collection for a match - if one is found then the
        ' date passed is a holiday
        For Each holiday In publicHolidays
            '  currentDateTime was used here (and not startDate) but it is not given a value
            ' until further down in the code - meaning no date would be marked as a holiday
            If DateValue(startDate) = holiday Then
                isHoliday = True
                Exit For
            End If
        Next holiday
        ' cleaning up the code a little
        ' if the date passed is a holiday then
        If isHoliday Then
            ' if the day number is greater than 5 (meaning Fri, Sat or Sun)
            If Weekday(startDate, vbMonday) > 5 Then
                If TimeValue(startDate) > TimeValue("12:30:00") Then
                   startDate = DateValue(startDate) + TimeValue("12:30:00")
                End If
                If TimeValue(startDate) < TimeValue("8:30:00") Then
                 startDate = DateValue(startDate) + TimeValue("8:30:00")
                End If
            End If
            ' the date passed is not a holiday and the day is a week day
            If Weekday(startDate, vbMonday) < 6 Then
                ' if the time passed with start date is less than 8:30am then add 8.5 hours to start date
                If TimeValue(startDate) < TimeValue("8:30:00") Then
                    startDate = DateValue(startDate) + TimeValue("8:30:00")
                End If
                If TimeValue(startDate) < TimeValue("13:00:00") And TimeValue(startDate) > TimeValue("11:59:59") Then
                    startDate = DateValue(startDate) + TimeValue("13:00:00")
                End If
                If TimeValue(startDate) > TimeValue("17:30:00") Then
                    startDate = DateValue(startDate) + TimeValue("17:30:00")
                End If
            End If
        End If
        currentDateTime = startDate
        hoursRemaining = hoursToAdd
        Do While hoursRemaining > 0
            ' Define lunch break times
            lunchStart = TimeSerial(12, 0, 0)
            lunchEnd = TimeSerial(13, 0, 0)
            ' Add one hour to the current datetime  - WHY???
            currentDateTime = currentDateTime + TimeValue("01:00:00")
            ' using Hour function returns an integer so comparing it to 8.5 and 12.5
            ' will not work if you you're trying to check for say 12 hours and 30 minutes
            If isHoliday Then
                If Hour(currentDateTime) >= 8.5 And Hour(currentDateTime) < 12.5 Then
                    ' Decrease the remaining hours to add
                    hoursRemaining = hoursRemaining - 1
                End If
            ElseIf Weekday(currentDateTime, vbMonday) < 6 And Not isHoliday Then     ' Regular weekday
                If (Hour(currentDateTime) >= 8.5 And Hour(currentDateTime) < 12) Or (Hour(currentDateTime) >= 13 And Hour(currentDateTime) < 17.5) Then
                    ' Exclude lunch break
                    hoursRemaining = hoursRemaining - 1
                End If
            ElseIf Weekday(currentDateTime, vbMonday) > 5 And Not isHoliday Then
                If Hour(currentDateTime) >= 8.5 And Hour(currentDateTime) < 12.5 Then
                   ' Decrease the remaining hours to add
                   hoursRemaining = hoursRemaining - 1
                End If
            End If
        If Hour(currentDateTime) = 13 And Minute(currentDateTime) = 0 Then
            currentDateTime = DateValue(currentDateTime) + TimeValue("12:00:00")
        End If
        ' Return the final datetime
        AddWorkingHours = currentDateTime
    End Function
    see my notes in the comments for checking for a holiday, I consolidated the Ifs a bit and you were comparing a date to a Boolean which would
    not work. You were checking startDate = isHoliday, when you just needed If isHoliday.

    Also check out the notes on the usage of the Hour function, where you seem to expect it to know what a 1/2 hour is, as it returns "whole number between 0 and 23"
    You're comparing it to 8.5 and 12.5, if you want to know if it is greater then 8.5 you need to check hour and minutes of the currentDateTime.

    I'm a bit confused as to the loop and why you'd add 12 hours (so 1pm becomes 1am) as the end of the code.

    I hope this makes sense, give your code another pass and use debugging to check the values as the code runs. https://www.excel-easy.com/vba/examples/debugging.html

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