and for proper you would use application.proper

but rather than reinventing the wheel you can probably simply make use
of the macros in
which work from a selection and that selection is further restricted by
Special Cells and no matter what is used in Special Cells as arguments,
SpecialCells will also restrict to the used range. So you won't have
to worry about selecting an entire column and taking 3 minutes per
column to process an almost empty sheet.
David McRitchie, Microsoft MVP - Excel [site changed Nov. 2001]
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"Jim Thomlinson" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:[email protected]...
> UCase and LCase....
> --
> HTH...
> Jim Thomlinson
> "Bret" wrote:
> > In a standard spreadsheet, user has option to use Excel's built-in function:
> > "Upper" and "Lower" to change the case of the text. However in VBA code,
> > using the "application.worksheetfunction" syntax, there is no selection for
> > UPPER and LOWER, why is this? Is there another way to use this function in
> > VBA? I need to convert all string variables in my code to UPPER case but
> > have hit a wall with this.
> > Please help.