I have a macro in word that create a mailmerge. I would like to execute this
Macro from excel button. Also, the excel file contains all the merge data
used by Word.

I tried to open the word mailmerge document in excel by since it is linked
to the actual excel data, it must close excel workbook and re-open it. This
stop the macro.

So, I would like to do the following:
1- In excel, there is a sheet which contains the merge data
2- You click on a button Excel and select the mailmerge document
3- Save the excel workbook to a temporary file #2 and close the file #1 (if
required) ?? (stop macro execution)
4- Open the word document and set the word data merge equal excel data merge
5- Execute the word macro inside word to create the printmerge.

From this way, since the mailmerge is a Macro from Word, it can be executed
from excel or word. Is this, the best way to proceed ? Does anyone have a
code that do something like that ?

Alex St-Pierre