see response in .misc


Bob Phillips

(replace somewhere in email address with googlemail if mailing direct)

"Jeff" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Hello,
> I have the following hardcoded function in a worksheet:
> =IF(ISNA(MATCH(1,('[Option 11 CSV.xls]May'!A1:A10000=20)*('[Option 11
> CSV.xls]May'!B1:B10000=6)* ('[Option 11

> 11 CSV.xls]May'!E1:E10000="Escada"),0)),0,INDEX('[Option 11
> CSV.xls]May'!F1:F10000,MATCH(1,('[Option 11
> CSV.xls]May'!A1:A10000=20)*('[Option 11

> 11 CSV.xls]May'!C1:C10000="F")*('[Option 11
> CSV.xls]May'!E1:E10000="Escada"),0)))
> I urgently need to have this function as a VBA procedure, it needs to be
> included in an existing VBA macro. Also, the name of file (Option 11
> CSV.xls)wil change, so can we have the option of selecting the file to
> --
> Regards,
> Jeff