Oh this one is an embarassing question. From it's nature it reeks of obvious. I have a feeling I can't see the forest in front of me for my nose has treebark up it from being burried in a knothole.

"We" are in a combobox typing. I like what has been typed, so I wish to select it, regardless of whether it was from the selection list or a new entry. I can simply click another field to do so. I want the <Enter> key to do pretty much the same, moving focus to another field from the control to a spreadsheet cell. The control is on the sheet, not on a separate form. I tried toggling Tools: Options: Edit: Move Selection to on, but that didn't do beans. What am I completely missing here? Whenever I press <Enter>, it just stares back at me doing nothing.

I have been holding off asking this question for a month out of embarrassment, but it's time to take the plunge.