Wow! Dave, you rock my world!

Your addition worked wonderfully, exactly the way I wanted it to. I'm still a newbie at VBA, so I love to see a master at work. If you don't mind, I'd like to ask a few questions:
i = Target.Row
I'm not familiar with Target.Row. Is this remembering the row the cell is in? And then in
strValue = Sheets("Paste From").Cells(i, "F").Value
is this saying "okay, in Row i, grab the value of column F"?

I know
Sheets("Paste to").Cells(i, "C").Value = strValue
takes the value of strValue and puts it in the corresponding cell on "Paste to". What would you do if it wasn't the same line, for instance 2 lines down?

I'll go ahead and mark this one solved, but I'd appreciate a last reply to my questions.

Thanks Big Time!