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Event change copy paste

  1. #1
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    Event change copy paste

    I have two worksheets, and when the value in one changes I'd like the value in the other to change as well. Pasting a link doesn't work, because on the "Paste to" sheet I've applied conditional formatting, and it doesn't register a change event when it's a pasted link. I tried running a macro to copy the whole column and paste it on a change event, but that didn't alert the conditional formatting to kick in.

    The "Paste From" sheet has dropdowns in column C. The "Paste to" sheet has corresponding dropdowns in column F. So, if someone changes the selection in C3 on "Paste From", I'd like F3 on "Paste to" to change. Is there a way?
    Last edited by jomili; 02-02-2010 at 01:43 PM.

  2. #2
    Forum Expert davegugg's Avatar
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    Re: Event change copy paste

    Quote Originally Posted by jomili View Post
    ... and it doesn't register a change event when it's a pasted link.

    What does this mean? Does Conditional Formatting work on an event? I set up two workbooks with a link and conditional formatting that said if cell > 10, background color = red. When I changed the value in the book to 11, the linked cell turned red.
    Is your code running too slowly?
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  3. #3
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    Re: Event change copy paste

    Let me see if I can phrase it better:

    When I make a change in Cell C1 in "Paste From" I want F1 in "Paste To" to change it's value and apply the conditional formatting associated with that value. However, my cells in "Paste To" are kind of funky, in that each cell in column D has multiple paragraphs, and the first line is in italics. There WAS (past tense) a problem with the conditional formatting not formatting all of the text, so I have a macro to help with that. However, now that I'm pasting the link, it's messing with the font formatting again. A "Yes" in Column C/F should strike out all text. However, if changing a "Yes" to a "No" or "Unknown" in Paste From, the link changes to a "No" or "Unknown", but the strikethrough is not removed.

    I've attached a sample spreadsheet with the macro in place. Please let me know if you can see any solution.
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  4. #4
    Forum Expert davegugg's Avatar
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    Re: Event change copy paste

    I see, so the real issue here is that you have a macro to change the strikethrough on your font, but it only runs on a worksheet change event. If the change isn't made to that worksheet, i.e. to the linked worksheet instead, the strikethrough doesn't change.

    Can you switch the code on the "Paste From" sheet to something like this?:

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    It is more efficient than copying and pasteing, and will trigger the event on the "Paste to" sheet.

  5. #5
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    Re: Event change copy paste

    Wow! Dave, you rock my world!

    Your addition worked wonderfully, exactly the way I wanted it to. I'm still a newbie at VBA, so I love to see a master at work. If you don't mind, I'd like to ask a few questions:
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    I'm not familiar with Target.Row. Is this remembering the row the cell is in? And then in
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    is this saying "okay, in Row i, grab the value of column F"?

    I know
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    takes the value of strValue and puts it in the corresponding cell on "Paste to". What would you do if it wasn't the same line, for instance 2 lines down?

    I'll go ahead and mark this one solved, but I'd appreciate a last reply to my questions.

    Thanks Big Time!

  6. #6
    Forum Expert davegugg's Avatar
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    Re: Event change copy paste

    You're most welcome, glad I could help.

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    Takes the Target, which is the cell clicked, and makes the variable i = the row.

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    You're right on for this one.

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    To make this two lines lower, add two to the row like so:

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    By the way, I'm far from a master. But most of what I know I learned at this forum. Thus, I pass on your praise to all here.

  7. #7
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    Re: Event change copy paste


    Thanks for the explanation, and kudos to all those here who taught you. You've learned well.

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