
Is there a way to Step Into with F8 in the code with a Form.Show? I have a form called uform1 with a simple text box with "user" and "password", and I want to step into the code using the following sample code:

Sub FormTest()

variable1 = uform1.TextBox2.Value
variable2 = uform1.TextBox1.Value

* Here is the rest of my code, just put the small sample above as it is the only necessary code for helping me

End Sub
When I run the above code with F8, and I try to insert the "username" in the form, the processing stops and marks as yellow the following part of the code which was generated automatically:

Private Sub TextBox2_Change()

End Sub

Can anyone help me, please? Looks like it is not possible to step into when there is a form?

Thanks a lot!