
I've created a billing document as a master which is tied to a database that I also created.

With the help of others, I've also written code to make a copy of the spreadsheet (from the master workbook), lock the Copied spreadsheet down, save the copied spreadsheet with a new name and then send the copied spreadsheet in an email.

The problem that I'm having is the locking down of the copied spreadsheet. I need to be able to send the document to a customer and there is only one column that I want them to have access to (they will enter a qty then return the document to me). The code that I used does not lock down the copied spreadsheet - it leaves everything visable and open to changes.

below is the code that I've used to create my tasks - please help. I'm a novice to VB code and am enjoying learning; however, I HAVE WAY TOO much to learn to be any good at it - so thank you, in advance, for your assistance.

Sub Customer_Usage_Report()
' Customer_Usage_Report Macro
' This macro will allow the document to be prepared and sent to customer
Sheets("Usage Report").Copy

filenam = "C:\Usage Report Test" & Range("D5") & Range("D6") & ("_") & Format(Now(), "mmddyy") & ".xlsm"
ActiveWorkbook.Protect Structure:=True, Windows:=False
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=filenam, Fileformat:=xlOpenXMLWorkbookMacroEnabled, CreateBackup:=False

Windows("Usage Reports Test.xlsm").Activate

End Sub