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Creating multiple groups of radio buttons

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    Creating multiple groups of radio buttons


    I have a spreadsheet which combines tabular data with a complicated graphical output. Due to the unique requirements of this sheet, normal filtering confuses the user, so I'd like to create the filters I want via radio button blocks.

    For example, Block 1 would allow the selection of A1, B1, C1, or D1, Block 2 would allow the selection of A2, B2, C, or D2, etc. In combination, the user can select the combination they want, which would filter the tabular data, thereby generating the desired output

    When I create the option button groups using wither form or Activex controls, I can't get the syetem to reconginze that A1, B1, C1 are in one group and A2, B2, C2 are in a second group.

    Is there a way to create groups of radio buttons?


    Late breaking news -

    I changed my construction sequence and it apparently now works - to wit:

    If I created all my group boxes then added the specific radio buttons to each group, the system believed all radion buttons were linked.

    If I created a group, then added the buttons for that specific group, then created the next group box, it appears to work

    Last edited by c1802362; 10-28-2013 at 10:02 AM. Reason: solution

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