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Match Column A's Project number to change based on greater number in new row

  1. #1
    Forum Contributor
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    Match Column A's Project number to change based on greater number in new row

    Good day,
    the title sound stupid but here it goes.

    I have a userform that will change information on my Sheet.

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    Now I have multiple project number in my Column A Row ("A5:A"): Example P123456, P123456, P123456, E123, E321 (Example only)

    Each on a different row. But all matching numbers will all have the same number in Column "M" (Example 001)

    My code tells the New row to add +1 to the number in column "M" so the 001 will become 002 but my problem is All P123456 (Let say this was the project triggered in my userform) to change all numbers 001 to 002.

    Is this possible? If so how?

    If I load in my workbook people will get lost with my instruction...But I could.

    Is there a way to imbed a code to change the numbers in my Column "M" Vs my project number to the new updated one?

    Thank you,

    Excel Noub
    Last edited by Excelnoub; 12-01-2013 at 09:21 PM.

  2. #2
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    Re: Match Column A's Project number to change based on greater number in new row

    Here is my Workbook and as detailed instructions as possible. (I have deleted the rest of my sheets)


    On open you will see that Column "A" will all have the same project number and also Column "M" (Column "N" becomes my new search from sheet to sheet but that is my in house process)

    If you double click a project number a user form will generate I have disable "Delivery Complete" therefore Select "Options"

    In "Options" select "Termination"

    In this user form a set of questions will be asked...

    First one Select "Yes"
    Second is a Combo box select Anything it doesn't matter
    Third question Select "Yes"

    In this User Form fill up the textbox and make sure you select the Checkbox at the end then Select "Add"

    You will see that my old number (001) from column "N" will be transferred to my Archive sheet and a new row has been inserted with Contract number /005/HS and Column "M" is 005 but all the rest is 004.

    I need that every time I make this code (My termination) it will look in my Column "M" vs all project numbers that match and change the 004 to 005.

    Hope this helps

  3. #3
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    Re: Match Column A's Project number to change based on greater number in new row

    Damm Just realized that some of my Functions were not properly working due to deleting some sheets.

    Here updated version Same process but the Textboxes in the userform will now work with Calendar...


  4. #4
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    Re: Match Column A's Project number to change based on greater number in new row

    I guess this is tougher then I thought...
    I guess this would be a .find and not a match.

    Will post something if I figure out this code

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