We receive two reports from a client each day, which we receive though a secure connection from a client in notepad .csv format. Those reports are combined manually by doing a data remove duplicates merge. We then download a .csv daily report file from our database to an Excel spreadsheet. Then I do a manual "Find" search of the combined notepad file from the database file, searching for an exact match on Last Name, then First Name, and then Date of Birth. I copy the last name and place it in the Find box of the notepad combined file. If name is not found, then it is placed in an exception report. I mark the names not found by marking them in yellow marker. The names to be searched for can be from 6 to 90 names each day, each done individually through the search. Those yellow marked names are then copied to a word document which is saved as a PDF format and securely sent to the client.
I would like to automate as much of this process as I can. Is there a way to write a program to automate the search in notepad? Can other parts of the process also be automated? If so, how?