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Hide/Unhide sheets based on text result of IF Formula in cell in another sheet

  1. #1
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    Hide/Unhide sheets based on text result of IF Formula in cell in another sheet


    I have a workbook with four sheets: "Main", "OutriggersSM", "OutriggersLG", and "Ref". Forum5.xlsm There are a number of different option combinations on Main, determined using combos of Y/N in cells B15, B16, E15, & E16. Depending on what the user selects on Main, Ref cell A16 will show one of four letter codes. Based on the code in A16, cell A17 will then show one of three options: blank or the text SMALL KIT or LARGE KIT. A16 and A17 function using IF formulas. (yes, I know it's a lot of IFs, sorry :D)

    If A17 shows blank, I want both the OutriggersSM & Outriggers LG sheets to be visible. If A17 shows SMALL KIT, I only want the user to see the OutriggersSM sheet (hide OutriggersLG). If A17 shows LARGE KIT, have OutriggersLG visible and OutriggersSM hidden.

    There's a lot of solutions posted online but I haven't been able to get any to work. Here's my current code in the Ref worksheet:

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    Also, started simple with nested IFs but obviously I should be doing this with an If-Else-Else... I'll get that figured out later.

    Thank you in advance!
    Last edited by yukinosei; 01-16-2014 at 01:19 PM. Reason: SOLVED

  2. #2
    Forum Expert p24leclerc's Avatar
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    Re: Hide/Unhide sheets based on text result of IF Formula in cell in another sheet

    this is one way of doing it with the SELECT CASE method:
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    Here if how to make your IF work:
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    Pierre Leclerc

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  3. #3
    Forum Guru TMS's Avatar
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    Re: Hide/Unhide sheets based on text result of IF Formula in cell in another sheet

    That's not a valid Worksheet Change event subroutine header. It should have a Target range reference. You use that to monitor the cell that changes, in this case, cells on the Main sheet ... So that's where your (corrected) change event needs to be. A change event is NOT triggered by a change in a formula output.

    I'd start by hiding all the sheets and then unhiding the relevant sheets depending on the value in A17. Make each IF independent and have an Exit Sub before the End If.

    Regards, TMS
    Trevor Shuttleworth - Retired Excel/VBA Consultant

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  4. #4
    Forum Guru TMS's Avatar
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    Re: Hide/Unhide sheets based on text result of IF Formula in cell in another sheet

    @Pierre: if the Change event is on the Ref sheet it won't work because A17 is a formula based on other cells.

    Regards, TMS

  5. #5
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    Re: Hide/Unhide sheets based on text result of IF Formula in cell in another sheet

    Thanks Trevor & Pierre. Given Trevor's comment that changes aren't triggered by formula results (boo hoo!), I ended up abandoning my code in Ref worksheet and instead inputting code into Main, where the data to generate Ref!A17's value lives. Turned out simpler that way anyway...

    I can't hide all the sheets to start with because I want the user to be able to see them up front for reference. Not everyone that uses this workbook will know their inventory options in and out, so they may need to look at the LG and SM sheets to decide what they ultimately want (in an ideal world they wouldn't ). Then when they get into their project, only the relevant one will be shown. Didn't explain that, sorry.

    Added the target range reference too. Thanks, didn't realize it had gotten deleted.

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    Thank you both for your help!

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