I have a sheet listing tasks in google sheets. Whenever a task is completed, the datestamp is logged in the row from column H onwards.
If a task is not completed in an interval shorter that the set period, then it has missed it's deadline.
I each task has a set interval for how regularly it should be completed. I want to be able to count how long a streak a given task has kept to the schedule.
Here is example data with the streak filled in manually
Period Streak Days Since 45,103 (logged date stamps)
Task1 14 5 1 45,102 45089 45076 45063 45050 45037
Task2 180 2 6 45,097 44935 44773 44548 44323 44098
Task3 7 3 0 45,103 45097 45091 45085 45076 45067
Task4 14 2 0 45,103 45090 45077 45060 45043 45026
Example sheet here https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets...gid=2100307022
So I need a formula that will count along the row, finding the length between pairs of date stamps, and counting how many periods have passed before a deadline was missed.
I have no idea how to set this one up. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I have also added an excel file with the example data.
EDIT: I found my own solution (where timestamp logs start in column H)
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