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Comparing and matching product names from different suppliers/stores

  1. #1
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    Comparing and matching product names from different suppliers/stores

    Hello! I've created an application designed to help compare various price lists from different suppliers with a master product list by product name. Often, supplier price lists lack a universal unique product key, requiring manual comparison against your own product list.

    The application allows you to upload up to three XLSX files, each containing columns for ID, product name, and price. You then designate one file as the master file and click "Process." The output is a single file with matched price lists, including a similarity coefficient and similarity rank so you can easily leave the rows you need (top 1 match or topN matched rows)

    This is an MVP, and I would greatly appreciate any feedback from users.
    Last edited by easymatcher; 07-26-2024 at 04:45 AM.

  2. #2
    Forum Moderator AliGW's Avatar
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    Re: Comparing and matching product names from different suppliers/stores

    Welcome to the forum.

    Please be aware of this forum's rules:

    5. Do not ask for payment in the public forum, or put links to personal sites or services as your sole contribution on the forum. (A, B)
    As this is your sole contribution here, I have removed the app's name. Please do not try to advertise your own products here in this way. If you were to persist, I'd have to ban you as a spammer.

    We'd expect you to have really earnt your stripes here by helping others before we'd accept such self-promotion. I hope you understamd. Thank you.

    Enthusiastic self-taught user of MS Excel who's always learning!
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