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Do We Really Need Them?

  1. #1
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    Do We Really Need Them?

    I was happy without. But now I'm aware, I'm cursed. Ignorance was bliss but having tasted the apple I am no longer innocent. What am I on about? That old chestnut rep points of course and the lottery of it all.

    I'm a newb to this pleasant site just trying to join in. Full of trepidation lest I goof, I try nonetheless. At first rep points did not figure; I was unaware; I was happy to contribute and in that process learn more. But then one day I went browsing.... and now I look each time I post, just like most I suspect.

    My latest effort was dogged by language difficulty and perhaps a lack of op knowledge thrown in. I pointed out 'Row A' could not exist and asked for clarification but that was not given. Twice I asked what was required to be matched, twice the question was misunderstood. I asked if wbs were always of the same construction, initially the answer was yes but later became no. I should have given up - contributing is voluntary after all, but I went on, by now a martyr to the cause of solving problems and..... attaining points.

    Near two days passed in writing, testing and refining. Unfortunately the finished code was too large to tag so I supplied an attachment. Expecting issues I was pleased when the op responded 'Works fine. Thanks so much.' Thus sensing an easy pitch, I followed up with the begging stuff - please mark as solved and add to rep. Yep - I know - thoroughly demeaning of me. Alas the op had gone and I doubt very much I will see if a Mod will award >1 once more.
    Incentivising? - not.

    Ironically a 5 minute starred solution attracts a point (or more depending on who is Modding at the time). But near 2 days of designing and building a solution which I know from op comments is going to save him and colleagues so much time and effort earns nothing, in points that is.

    Rep points, as we know, are primarily in the hands of people who maybe don't know about such schemes (as I didn't) or may not even care. They are thus a lottery and a distraction. Real reputation, hard won but easily lost, is gained from the respect given by fellow contributors, not just ops, and that is very different.

    Still further, in persuance of points, I PMd a Mod whom I spotted was on site asking how to add the usual solved & rep mantra to my signature when only 50 chars were allowed. I still await an answer after some days yet the same Mod was on to me in a flash to tell me I had not tagged my first code. Perhaps the question was misdirected and thus became my second infraction. Who knows, this may be my third.

    Right now I'm out of character and cynical. How much have reps cast their shadow! Like the golden ring they exert a syren call upon the unwary. They exist like an over abundance of testosterone and serve only to invite the question 'Mine's big, how big is yours?'...... total, of course.

    As I began, do we really need them? Build solutions not egos.

    BTW, how do you add the mantra?

  2. #2
    Forum Contributor arlu1201's Avatar
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    Re: Do We Really Need Them?


    I like your way of writing. Are you into journalism by any chance? Nicely written.
    If I have helped, Don't forget to add to my reputation (click on the star below the post)
    Don't forget to mark threads as "Solved" (Thread Tools->Mark thread as Solved)
    Use code tags when posting your VBA code: [code] Your code here [/code]

  3. #3
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    Re: Do We Really Need Them?

    Hi Arlette

    Why thank you for that. I'm pleased it has been taken in the right spirit.

    No I'm an ex logistician, now retired.

    Odd, by coincidence I nearly pmd you for advice about the language having noted same location. I really did nearly give up. But the simple 'Thank you so much for sending the code' at the end was worth it.


  4. #4
    Forum Moderator zbor's Avatar
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    Re: Do We Really Need Them?

    I also didn't notice them at first... When I did, I thought second flag is so far away... After that, each next come sonner and sonner...
    At the end you figure out that it's not important does users know for rep points or not: just persistant answering posts will bring you from time to time new flag.

  5. #5
    Forum Expert Paul's Avatar
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    Re: Do We Really Need Them?

    Once you attain a certain number of posts and duration on the forum you will be able to create a larger signature. Keep plugging along and you'll get there in no time at all.

    Some people like rep points, others don't, and some don't care one way or another. I think it's a nice pat on the back for users, although as you said - a nice 'Thank you' can be just as good.

  6. #6
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    Re: Do We Really Need Them?


    Once you attain a certain number of posts and duration on the forum you will be able to create a larger signature.
    Ah, righty o. Thanks for the info.

  7. #7
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    Re: Do We Really Need Them?


    Thanks for that. I do feel a thank you is more meaningful. Like everyone I have also had ops simply not bother with anything. And that is simply discourteous.


  8. #8
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    Re: Do We Really Need Them?

    B.Econ, CFA

  9. #9
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    Re: Do We Really Need Them?



    I'm not begging you know.


  10. #10
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    Re: Do We Really Need Them?

    Enjoyed the read with the interesting writing style, which translates into rep points as a result of keeping an otherwise slow day at work interesting for the duration of the read.

  11. #11
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    Re: Do We Really Need Them?


    slow day at work
    Which reminds me I saw this the other day.

    Read #16 by Old Chippy bearing in mind those are UK stats a little way back.


    No offence. Enjoy the rest of your day and thanks again for the laugh....... and the rep. :)


  12. #12
    Forum Moderator zbor's Avatar
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    Re: Do We Really Need Them?

    Quote Originally Posted by gmk View Post

    I do feel a thank you is more meaningful.
    You can click star and write "Thank you" :D

  13. #13
    Forum Expert Whizbang's Avatar
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    Re: Do We Really Need Them?

    What I find especially intriguing is the reps you get from users who have never posted. Their reps do not count towards your "total rep", but I find them facinating anyway. Who are these ghosts who scryed (using The Google, no doubt) the vast and mysterious Internet, only to land on my paltry solution and find it worthy of registering simply to leave a rep?

    For instance, I haven't been posting much over the past few months or so, mostly just an Excel game I do in my limited spare time. But in the past couple of weeks I have received two "ghost reps" for the same solution I provided back in January. That attatchment has received 64 downloads. That is potentially 64 people who I have, in some way, affected. That, to me, is really neat.

    As to the solutions that are only achieved after many tries, I can only say it is a result of the fickleness of the Internet. I bet 3 or 4 posts is the most people will scan through unless the subject especially interests them. If your solution is a few pages down, then rep will be scarce.

  14. #14
    Forum Expert Mordred's Avatar
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    Re: Do We Really Need Them?

    @gmk, I had to rep your first post because I really enjoyed reading it. If you are retired, have you taken on working with Excel as a hobby or a side job of sorts. Personally, I think you should be blogging about topics that you find passionate because I think those would be some excellent reads (no matter the content).

    If you're happy with someone's help, click that little star at the bottom left of their post to give them Reps.

    ---Keep on Coding in the Free World---

  15. #15
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    Re: Do We Really Need Them?


    Thank you for the kind words.

    I have been dabbling on and off for quite a while both for personal use and for ex colleagues. Though in small doses it was whilst in business way back in the nineties that I saw the real power of automation in terms of productivity. Sure, we all had pcs but not until I took over from a colleague did I really set out to do something about a repetetive task he and his secretary carried out on a monthly basis. It took a while to sort but I became hooked when I showed him the program which reduced effort from nearly 1 man day to less than 1 minute. His mouth literally dropped open but was quickly followed by the biggest grin. And that was all the encouragement I needed.

    But you ask if I have taken vba up since retiring. I suppose I have undertaken many more such tasks since retiring because that threshold provided a luxury I rarely had in business.... it's called time. :) I can now generally deliver to ex colleagues and my son's company within my own time frame.

    The post I referred to is a case in point - pun intended. :) It was a difficult one as I have said and I nearly gave up. The buzz I got was despite lack of clarity, I must have guessed correctly because it worked with no need for revision.

    But back to the point (sorry) what I'm saying here, without knowing your environment, is 2 things...
    1. I'll bet you would not be able to devote the best part of 2 days to the task as I had to.
    2. As a real expert you wouldn't need that amount of time anyway. But then time is a relative thing to each of us. One hour to you may be three or four to me if you get my meaaning.

    I chose to spend that time, my reward was the satisfaction of knowing it worked satisfactorily. My beef is the rep system is an absolute, dependent entirely on the op knowing about it and bothering to exercise their digit finger. It bears no relation to the effort put in - nor can it and, I suppose, nor should it. They have enough to do on such a busy site without the need for assessments of this nature. It is however as Paul said 'a pat on the back for some'. But to a newb to the site like me it became a worthy goal once I discovered what had happened and thus I felt disappointed when this op neither closed the thread nor hit the star. I have to admit I was out of sorts until I sat down over a glass of wine and rationalised.

    So thank you for the rep point however from now on I will keep them in perspective. As zbor has more or less said, if they happen they happen.

    One last thing, let me say how good it has been to see the reaction, I'm glad I chose to exercise my digit finger and press the send button after all. ;)

    PS the smilies don't appear to have worked this time, perhaps they're being grumpy. :):)
    Last edited by gmk; 06-09-2012 at 04:30 AM.

  16. #16
    Forum Guru MarvinP's Avatar
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    Re: Do We Really Need Them?

    Hi gmk,

    A few days on a solution is not abnormal for me. I still have some answers others have given here that I need to understand. I'm a Pivot Table guy and am amazed at those Array Formula Gurus that can figure that stuff out. We each have good days at solving problems and bad ones too. The Rep points are real hit and miss. I've given answers that I think are pure genius but never recognized. I've also done very simple VLookups that get reps. My mantra is to pay it forward and pehaps some good carma will happen some day.

    I do enjoy reading other people's questions and answers to see if I can give a better one, or understand what they have given. I believe this is what makes us all better at this tool called Excel.

    Welcome to the forum and hope you stay.
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    Click the * Add Reputation below to say thanks.

  17. #17
    Forum Guru TMS's Avatar
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    Re: Do We Really Need Them?

    @gmk: I like your writing and your sentiment. Personally, I like rep points, others don't ... we're never going to agree.

    I do share your frustration. I tend to find the solutions that require some time and effort do get rep,but not always. Equally, some simpler solutions get rep, others don't, no rhyme or reason. I can, at times, answer dozens of questions without any recognition, either rep or "thank you".

    I have to admit that I took exception a little while back; a new member asked a question, and I answered it rightly and quickly. I later noticed the thread had been marked solved with no feedback, one way or another. In that case, I posted again to the effect that "common courtesy would indicate a requirement for feedback and/or a thank you ... etc, etc". I got an apology and rep. I don't do that often

    I'm now at the stage where I've got all the little green boxes/flags so the point count is more a matter of personal pride ... but I do still like to check it, and also my position on the leader board. That doesn't change much either now as those above me are, or have been, prolific contributors so I think it will take some time before they get dislodged.

    Take care and keep answering questions ... after all, the sense of achievement is also very rewarding.

    Regards, TMS
    Trevor Shuttleworth - Retired Excel/VBA Consultant

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  18. #18
    Forum Moderator vlady's Avatar
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    Re: Do We Really Need Them?

    Maybe change star with words "THANK YOU!!!" or anything that they can just click on then a big window asking them to put something and btw without a closed button so that they will be obliged to send it , there are instances that the op out of joy on their problem being solved "forgot" to even say thank you.

    but then again for me rep is not a big deal... just the infraction from royuk (2 x) when i was younger than my avatar.But after all it's just a reminder which sometimes i neglect to follow again.(maybe sometimes we got excited on the problem at hand.)


    vlady (vladimir -it's a he.):grrrrrr. mad:
    I think people forget the word "THANK YOU!!!!" Do you still know it???

    There is a little star ( ADD REPUTATION ) below those person who helped you. Click it to say your "PRIVATE APPRECIATION TO THEIR EFFORT ON THEIR CONTRIBUTIONS "


  19. #19
    Forum Guru TMS's Avatar
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    Re: Do We Really Need Them?

    @vlady: neither your user name nor your avatar give many clues to your gender

  20. #20
    Forum Expert Mordred's Avatar
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    Re: Do We Really Need Them?

    Hi gmk, I agree with everything MarvinP stated in post 16 except for the pivot table part as I know next to little about them. As for time it takes to work on an Excel problem, I am by no means quick at it either. I lean on a lot of people from here and another site and have learned almost everything I know because of this site and the other site. I've always been a fan of the rep system but I do realize that it is not a perfect representation of one's worth on these sites. Even the titles that are given here ie "Guru" are not accurate to ones ability as I am by no means an guru, proficient yes but guru no. I am personally a big fan of coding Excel and that's the brunt of my knowledge on the matter. I could no doubt learn the sheet side of things but my interests don't lie with sheet side formulas and functions, my interests are solving problems through code writing.

    If you stay and help for long enough you'll have an outlook much like many long timers here in that you'll do some feat of magic for someone that required a fair bit of effort and may never be acknowledged for it. I don't post here as I once did but I too would catch myself checking my reps often to see if they've increased. At some points I don't put much stock into them but at other points it makes me happier when the op will take the few seconds to send off a positive rep. I personally give reps out to all those that help me and even those that attempt to help. There have been days that I have exhausted the daily limit of reps that one can give to others.

  21. #21
    Forum Moderator zbor's Avatar
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    Re: Do We Really Need Them?

    Quote Originally Posted by TMShucks View Post
    @vlady: neither your user name nor your avatar give many clues to your gender
    I would suppose that vlady stands for Vladimir... But never would connect it with Philippines

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