I was happy without. But now I'm aware, I'm cursed. Ignorance was bliss but having tasted the apple I am no longer innocent. What am I on about? That old chestnut rep points of course and the lottery of it all.

I'm a newb to this pleasant site just trying to join in. Full of trepidation lest I goof, I try nonetheless. At first rep points did not figure; I was unaware; I was happy to contribute and in that process learn more. But then one day I went browsing.... and now I look each time I post, just like most I suspect.

My latest effort was dogged by language difficulty and perhaps a lack of op knowledge thrown in. I pointed out 'Row A' could not exist and asked for clarification but that was not given. Twice I asked what was required to be matched, twice the question was misunderstood. I asked if wbs were always of the same construction, initially the answer was yes but later became no. I should have given up - contributing is voluntary after all, but I went on, by now a martyr to the cause of solving problems and..... attaining points.

Near two days passed in writing, testing and refining. Unfortunately the finished code was too large to tag so I supplied an attachment. Expecting issues I was pleased when the op responded 'Works fine. Thanks so much.' Thus sensing an easy pitch, I followed up with the begging stuff - please mark as solved and add to rep. Yep - I know - thoroughly demeaning of me. Alas the op had gone and I doubt very much I will see if a Mod will award >1 once more.
Incentivising? - not.

Ironically a 5 minute starred solution attracts a point (or more depending on who is Modding at the time). But near 2 days of designing and building a solution which I know from op comments is going to save him and colleagues so much time and effort earns nothing, in points that is.

Rep points, as we know, are primarily in the hands of people who maybe don't know about such schemes (as I didn't) or may not even care. They are thus a lottery and a distraction. Real reputation, hard won but easily lost, is gained from the respect given by fellow contributors, not just ops, and that is very different.

Still further, in persuance of points, I PMd a Mod whom I spotted was on site asking how to add the usual solved & rep mantra to my signature when only 50 chars were allowed. I still await an answer after some days yet the same Mod was on to me in a flash to tell me I had not tagged my first code. Perhaps the question was misdirected and thus became my second infraction. Who knows, this may be my third.

Right now I'm out of character and cynical. How much have reps cast their shadow! Like the golden ring they exert a syren call upon the unwary. They exist like an over abundance of testosterone and serve only to invite the question 'Mine's big, how big is yours?'...... total, of course.

As I began, do we really need them? Build solutions not egos.

BTW, how do you add the mantra?