Not sure if this is the right forum to be posting on but I don't know where to throw it.

We had a vendor create a OLAP Cube for us and so please note I am not a competent database guy and probably pretty bad at describing things in it but usually a pretty competent excel guy so I maybe describign the Cube incorrectly.

Anyways we have a "attribute" called Project ID that we see in our Cube. The problem is it all the "members" or elements seems to be aliased???. Whenever you want to use cubeformulas or record macros that filter for specific "members" out of that "attribute" always refer to the key that is specific to that project id.

For example:
I have a project ID 45000.555555555. When using it as a pivot table I can fitler for that specific project by clicking on the drop down and searching for "45000.555555555" or clicking on the box labeled "45000.555555555." The problem is when I use a getpivot formula for the specific measure applicable to that memeber I get
=GETPIVOTDATA("[Measures].[Actual Amount]",$A$1,"[Project].[Funding IDs]","[Project].[Funding IDs].[Funding ID].&[420]")
or the VBA macro recorder records filtering for that project by saying array("[Project].[Funding IDs].[Funding ID].&[420]")

Problem is how can i create a macro or formula that allows me to enter "45000.555555555" and allows me to identify the proper key number of 420?