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Problem when exporting line graph the points are not equally spaced out

  1. #1
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    Problem when exporting line graph the points are not equally spaced out

    Hi there
    I wonder if anyone can help me on this, i've looked online but find no related posts.
    Basically, what i need to do is
    I have a calculation in excel that generates a bunch of figures
    I select all these figures and generate a line graph from them - which comprises of just the line and the point values
    I copy this graph and 'paste special' - and then paste as a 'picture (enhanced metafile) into corel draw
    I do this as I need to delete all the other information apart from the line and the point figures so that I can shrink the graph down (vertically) to the (mm) size between the two extreme point values (so its to scale) and then stretch this graph horizontally to fit the line over a series of evenly spaced lines (the amount of lines and the spacing distance vary with every drawing)
    I make sure all of the figures are within the extremities of the graph so that when I stretch it etc I know the graph line is the correct length/height (I manually move the point figures later)
    This seems to generally work but the problem I have is that although the height of the line is fine, and the two (horizontal) end points are fine - sometimes (not always though) a lot of the points inbetween (that should theoretically land on each of the evenly spaced lines) land slightly to the sides of the lines - i.e they are not quite evenly spaced, so I have to manually select and move each line back over to my line guidelines (to tidy up the graph) - sometimes I have a few hundred of these to do and its so time consuming
    Like i say it doesn't always happen, sometimes they all land perfectly (particularly on small drawings)- but most of the time (particularly on jobs when there are lots of points) - it doesn't though
    Does anyone know why excel isn't spacing these points perfectly evenly? Or if there's a way to fix it?
    Just to note - Unfortunately I have to use this version of excel as newer versions lose some of the functionality needed to other aspects of my job - and it doesn't seem to be the importing into Corel that's the problem as the graph is exactly the same as the one generated in excel.
    Apologies for maybe an information overload but its difficult to explain what my problem was

    Any help would be hugely appreciated

    Thanks in advance


  2. #2
    Forum Guru Kaper's Avatar
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    Re: Problem when exporting line graph the points are not equally spaced out

    Hi Mark,

    IMHO the issue could be related to some rounding, occuring during trensformation of excel graph into enhanced metafile.
    If it is the reason, you could try preparing rather large graph in excel (change magnification in View menu).

    The other option is to export excel prepared data (but not graph, just data), and use it in some other graphing software (like freeware gnuplot etc.)

    Hope it helps at least a bit :-)
    Best Regards,


  3. #3
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    Re: Problem when exporting line graph the points are not equally spaced out

    Hi there Kaper

    Thanks for taking the time to reply to my question.
    I'm not quite sure what you mean by 'preparing rather large graph in excel (change magnification in View menu)' - That only makes the screen view bigger or smaller doesn't it which isn't going to change anything is it? I tried it on a small chart that only has 24 points so it all fits on the screen etc easily - and the generated graph still had some points which were on my equally spaced lines - but also a lot that didn't land as they should and were slightly off to the side - so i had to grab each point again and move them back onto my evenly spaced lines.

    Update - I just checked in the chart options in excel and enabled major and minor gridlines (which generates lines on my points and the halfway point between my points) and then used your suggested zoom in to check each of the points landed on the grid as they are supposed to - It looks like they do in excel (roughly checking with a ruler - not very scientific!) however when pasting into corel you can measure the distances between objects accurately, so i did that between each of the gridlines generated by excel - the first 7 spaces/lines all spanned 6.707mm but the 8th spanned 6.354mm - spaces 9-23 were 6.707mm again and then space 24 was 6.354mm again, spaces 25 -39 were 6.707mm again and space 40 was 6.354mm and then space 41 - 46 was 6.707mm again - so it seems to have slightly altered the graph at point 8, 24 and 40 (the last 2 are multiples of 16 if that has any significance) - I realise this is only a small change, and as a result it may be something that excel is doing but its too small a change to accurately measure in excel) so something is definitely awry

    Just to add - I downloaded gnuplot but I have no idea what i've got to do with that - I was hoping it would be a bit like excel where I could paste my figures in and then click generate graph - so it may be a bit too technical for my feeble mind!

    Do you have any other ideas what might be happening? Like I say it looks like only a small change but if its doing it each time in multiples of 8 or 16 then over a large graph of 100- 300 etc points it adds up - and means i have to move them all by hand which ends up being the most time consuming (and not to mention mind numbingly boring) part of the whole process

    Free pints to whoever can come up with a solution!!!!!!

    Thanks in advance


  4. #4
    Forum Guru Kaper's Avatar
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    Re: Problem when exporting line graph the points are not equally spaced out

    Hi again,

    As you supplied no sample file, I prepared one.
    And no such effect observed.
    100 points
    plot type: scatter
    copied and pasted special as enhanced metafile to corel X6
    See attachments (corel file has been zipped).
    Attached Files Attached Files

  5. #5
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    Re: Problem when exporting line graph the points are not equally spaced out

    Hi again Kaper
    Apologies for the delay in replying, i've been working away - I didn't think it was possible to attach files here otherwise i'd have done so in the beginning to try and explain a bit more of what the problem is. Anyway thanks for trying to supply your own, I've had a look at it (nothing showed up in corel for some reason - I use corel draw 3 so maybe its incompatible?) but I generated a line graph (as I normally do) from your figures and pasted and stretched it onto 100 equally spaced lines in corel. As you can see the two end points are on the 2 extreme lines, so it stands to reason that all the inbetween points should land on a line too - but if you zoom in on corel you'll see that while a few do, most of them don't, and these are the ones I have to manually select and drag back towards the evenly spaced lines

    Let me know if you can view the file I have uploaded (I can't see any other way to add files directly on here - so i've had to share the file from google drive - apologies)

    Thanks in advance


  6. #6
    Forum Guru Kaper's Avatar
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    Re: Problem when exporting line graph the points are not equally spaced out

    I did it again, this time with line graph, and pasted special as enhanced metafile.
    And seems that it works fine.
    Unfortunately I do not have Excel2000 instaled any longer, the same with earlier Corel versions.
    The one thing I can say (see attachment with superimposed new line) - it works as expected on my Excel 2010 and Corel X6.
    I saved the file in oldest available to me format - corel 7.0, as well as pdf.
    PS. to attach file you shall click on GO ADVANCED and use the paperclip icon to open the upload window.
    View Pic
    Note that cdr files are not accepted by forum server, so I compressed it with zip.
    Attached Files Attached Files

  7. #7
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    Re: Problem when exporting line graph the points are not equally spaced out

    Hi again Kaper

    Thanks once again for looking into this for me. I have tried using a friends version of office 10 and corel x6 - and it does look like it spaces it out a bit better than my version - However the version of the graph that office 10 exports doesn't seem to be quite right for what i need to do (i'm sure there is a few settings which can change but i've been through everything I can see and can't get it to be how i need it) for example when you paste special into corel it splits negative values into seperate objects - i.e the minus sign is one object and then the figure is another object - these were always linked as one object whenever I have pasted it in before - so you would have to go through each set of figures and start grouping them together (which would probably take the same time as me moving each line) also the line that is exported is one object again in office 2010, where as each section of the graph is its own object when i do it in my old version (this is handy as sometimes i have to manually alter a figure or delete some points etc - So the graph is not as user friendly as in the old version)
    I've done a few more tests and it does appear that whatever graph i import (even before i stretch it etc - excel seems to adjust the length of some of the lines (usually in exact mulitples - which depend on how many points the graph is produced from) so maybe i need to find if there is something causing that anomaly. It's a strange one and i'm not sure why it works like that

    Thanks again for your help into this matter though

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