
I have scoured the internet trying to find an answer, but with no success.

The problem: I have table of people and their preferences. I want to validate that a preference exists for that person. Vlookup and Hlookup are useless as both the rows and columns are dynamic.

To illustrate, here is an example table:

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Name Pref 1 Pref 2 Pref 3
John Flowers Apples Trucks
Cindy Cars Reading Food

I have a list of preferences and when I put in their name, I want it to validate that they have that preference listed:

Preference Name Exists?
Apples John Yes
Apples Cindy No

I have tried using various combinations of index and match, but I can't seem to get one to work.

Please help!

