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Any chance to process multiple formulas in one formula?

  1. #1
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    Any chance to process multiple formulas in one formula?

    I have a formula that I know is working, as long as I have values in the cell:

    Formula: copy to clipboard
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    But if I have an formula in the cell CP12 and CO13, then it's not working anymore.

    Is there anyway to get the value from the cells CP12 and CO13 instead of the formulas in the formula above?

    Or is there any way to process multiple formulas in one formula?

    CP12 =>
    Formula: copy to clipboard
    Please Login or Register  to view this content.

    CO13 =>
    Formula: copy to clipboard
    Please Login or Register  to view this content.

    I have tried several approaches, but still haven't found a solution.

    Hopefully someone can help.

    Last edited by annica123; 10-02-2019 at 07:40 AM.

  2. #2
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    Re: Any chance to process multiple formulas in one formula?

    "I have a formula that I know is working, as long as I have values in the cell...But if I have another formula in the cell CP12 and CO13, then it's not working anymore"

    Cells can containa value or a formula, not both.
    How do you get a formula in the cell that has a value?

    Is there anyway to get the value from the cells CP12 and CO13 instead of the formulas in the formula above?
    What does this mean? A cell returns a value, whether it has either been entered manually or via the result of a formula is immaterial.

    Why not just check for CP12 or CO13 having a value (presumably non-zero)

    =IF(AND(CP12<>0,CO13<>0,IF(CP12 < CO13;"-"&TEXT(ABS(CP12-CO13);"tt:mm");CP12-CO13),"ONE OF THE CELLS IS BLANK")

    However this will return the "cell is blank" message at exactly 00:00:00

    Ensure you describe your problem clearly, I have little time available to solve these problems and do not appreciate numerous changes to them.

  3. #3
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    Re: Any chance to process multiple formulas in one formula?

    Ok, I haven't communicate this very vell, sorry. I don't have both a value and a formula in the cell at the same time. I've tested the formula first with values in the cells CP12 and CO13 (and then it's working fine), but since there is more to the outcome I need it to be formulas - therefor the sum of the columns "Flex in" and "Flex ut" in resp. cell.

    The problem I think is the CP12 < CO13 part, where it now testing two formulas against eachother (instead of values) and then the sum of it all goes wrong. Because the calculation is done, but it's wrong sum in the end.
    Last edited by annica123; 10-02-2019 at 07:41 AM.

  4. #4
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    Re: Any chance to process multiple formulas in one formula?

    It shouldn't matter whether the cells contain values or formulas, as long as your formulas are correct.

    Post a sample spreadsheet with expected results, remove any sensitive data, create a mockup example if necessary.
    Use the Go Advanced option at the bottom of the page then scroll down to Manage Attachments as the "paperclip" method does not work on this forum.

  5. #5
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    Re: Any chance to process multiple formulas in one formula?

    I've tried to upload the .zip, I don't know how it went.

    Formula goes wrong in CP11. Desired outcome in CP12.

    If you want to change values in CP7 or CO11, just change some values in columns "Verkl. In" or "Verkl. Ut" and choose FLEX in the popup.
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  6. #6
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    Re: Any chance to process multiple formulas in one formula?

    So you're saying CP11 should be the desired outcome in CP12, ie 02:00 ?
    Why should CP11 be 02:00 ?

  7. #7
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    Re: Any chance to process multiple formulas in one formula?

    Sorry, I just realized that I tested to change some values before I sent it in, and then the numbers became wrong.

    But the formula in cell CP12 is still valid, and the formula in cell CP11 is not.
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  8. #8
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    Re: Any chance to process multiple formulas in one formula?

    Something wrong there..

    1. Open the file, it displays -17:30 in CP11.
    2. Select CP11, press F2 and return, it changes to -tt:01 ???
    3. What's "tt:mm" ? I dont see that as a format, unless it's your countrys equivalent of hh:mm ?

    4. Under what circumstances should CP11 show the value in CP12 ?
    Last edited by Special-K; 10-02-2019 at 08:44 AM.

  9. #9
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    Re: Any chance to process multiple formulas in one formula?

    2. I've tried to do this and it's still -17:30 in my excel-sheet.
    3. Yes, "tt:mm" is my countrys equivalent to "hh:mm". If I try with "hh:mm" I get -hh:30 instead.

    4. If the values in the cell CP7 with the formula is exactly the same as the value in cell CP13
    AND if the values in the cell CO11 with the formula is exactly the same as the value in cell CP14. They correspond to eachother as the values are the same (at least in xxx_ver2.zip).

    And the formulas in the cells CP11 and CP12 are the same, just calls different cells where the values are the same.
    Last edited by annica123; 10-02-2019 at 09:07 AM.

  10. #10
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    Re: Any chance to process multiple formulas in one formula?

    2. & 3. Yes, if I change it to hh:mm, my country's equiavalent to tt:mm I get -17:30, ok that cleaers that up.

    4. Based on your description above this would be the formula in CP11

    =IF(AND(CP7=CP13,CO11=CP14),CP12,IF(CP7< CO11,"-","")&TEXT(ABS(CP7-CO11),"tt:mm"))


    CO11 does not equal the value in CP14.

    Format the cells as a number

    CO11 = 3.20833333 that's 3 days and 5 hours and 30mins
    CP14 = 0.2083333 that's 0 days and 5 hours and 30 mins

    Maybe you should use this formula:

    =IF(AND(TEXT(CP7,"tt:m")=TEXT(CP13,"tt:mm"),TEXT(CO11,"tt:mm")=TEXT(CP14,"tt:mm")),CP12,IF(CP7< CO11,"-","")&TEXT(ABS(CP7-CO11),"tt:mm"))

  11. #11
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    Re: Any chance to process multiple formulas in one formula?

    Yes, yes that's the problem. CO11 shouldn't be 3.21, it should be 0.21, because it's just hours not days in that column (yet anyway). So when I looked at the bottom at the column where the formula in CO11 is based on, I find a suspicious formula that shouldn't be there. Problem solved

    Thank you!!!
    Last edited by annica123; 10-02-2019 at 10:52 AM.

  12. #12
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    Re: Any chance to process multiple formulas in one formula?

    You're welcome

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