using the match and offset functions together can get you what you need. Try

Column B Column C
Row 2 1 A
Row 3 2 B
Row 4 3 C
Row 5
Row 6 2 =OFFSET(B1,MATCH(B6,B2:B4,FALSE),1)

Typing a 1, 2 or 3 in Cell B6 resolves to an A, B or C. the match function
finds which row the number 2 is in, then the offset moves over 1 column to
capture the letter B.

"mendozalaura" wrote:

> Okay
> This is a much simplified version, but...
> How do I write a function statement that will:
> 1) Do a vlookup to find a value
> 2) If it finds the value then offset by 1 row and 12 columns and return
> the value of that cell
> 3) If the lookup value is not found then return a value of 0 or ""
> --
> mendozalaura
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