Try this UDF which will work with N number of permutation combination.

Function SpecificTitleCase(v As Variant) 'By :) Sixthsense :)
Dim vSplit As Variant, iLoc As Integer, i As Integer
Dim sTemp As String, sConv As String, sData As String

vSplit = Split(v, ",")

For i = LBound(vSplit) To UBound(vSplit)
    sTemp = vSplit(i)
    iLoc = InStr(sTemp, "=")
    If iLoc Then
        sConv = StrConv(Mid(sTemp, iLoc + 1, 255), vbProperCase)
        sConv = Left(sTemp, iLoc) & sConv
        sData = sData & sConv & ", "
        sData = sData & sTemp & ", "
    End If
Next i

SpecificTitleCase = sData

If Len(sData) > 0 Then SpecificTitleCase = Left(sData, Len(sData) - 2)
End Function
Formula: copy to clipboard


Formula: copy to clipboard

How to install your new code
  1. Copy the Excel VBA code
  2. Select the workbook in which you want to store the Excel VBA code
  3. Press Alt+F11 to open the Visual Basic Editor
  4. Choose Insert > Module
  5. Edit > Paste the macro into the module that appeared
  6. Close the VBEditor
  7. Save your workbook (Excel 2007+ select a macro-enabled file format, like *.xlsm)