I had previously posted a query on deconstructing 2 set of tables (with similar heading)(in sheet 1 & 2) & combine them side by side with similar heading (in sheet3) so as to use condition formatting to highlight the differences & visually i can compare them easily.

1 group is 2 tables to compare. I have about 30 groups. So after creating the 1st group, i intended to use it as a template, without having to create the conditional formatting again & again. But after copying, the conditional formatting rules change. I am not sure why.

I attached a sample of my template for reference.

Sheet 1 - Table 1
Sheet 2 - Table 2 & part of Table 1
Sheet 3 - combine both Tables with similar column header side by side

in Table 3, cell B3 rules are "=C5<>B5"

SO the problem is when i copy data from Sheet 2, Table 2's Column Header B (cell f9 to f421) to Sheet 3, Column Header B2 (cell c5 onwards) the rules change to "=C5<>XFC5"

Hope someone can solve this mystery.


rules will change.xlsx