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Use Conditional Formatting to Hide Future Weeks

  1. #1
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    Use Conditional Formatting to Hide Future Weeks

    I am building a spreadsheet to track the weekly standings in a league. I am hoping I can have boxes next to each division's standings that tracks which weeks (if any) are missing results. I was thinking to use conditional formatting to change the font color of future weeks to white (so they appear empty when I post the spreadsheet) however, I can't figure out how to make it work. I've attached the spreadsheet. On the 'standings' tab H3-S3 is where I will track the weeks for the team "THE*BOYS". If they have a score on the 'scores' tab for week 1 H3 will be blank. However, to avoid confusion I don't want weeks 2-12 to have anything until that week has past. I was thinking of adding the end date for each week somewhere to the right (so it won't print) to give excel something to compare 'today()' with, but I can't figure out how to make it work right.
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  2. #2
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    Re: Use Conditional Formatting to Hide Future Weeks

    On your 'Standings' sheet, enter numbers 1-12 again in columns U-AF, on row 2. Above each week number, enter the end date of that week.**

    Select H2:S6 (the range you want to Conditionally Format) and click 'Conditional Format' then 'New Rule' then 'Use a formula to determine which cells to format'. Enter this in the formula box:
    Formula: copy to clipboard
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    This will look one row up and 13 columns to the right and compare that date to today's date. Choose white font colour and that should do what you want.
    (Obviously you can move the dates anywhere you want on the sheet - just adjust the row offset and column offset appropriately.)

    ** The week numbers aren't actually needed, but it makes it a lot easier to check you have the right dates .

    I recently started a new job so am a bit busy and may not reply quickly. Sorry - it's not personal - I will reply eventually.
    If your problem is solved, please go to 'Thread Tools' above your first post and 'Mark this Thread as Solved'.
    If you use commas as your decimal separator (1,23 instead of 1.23) then please replace commas with semi-colons in your formulae.
    You don't need to give me rep if I helped, but a thank-you is nice.

  3. #3
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    Re: Use Conditional Formatting to Hide Future Weeks

    Thank you very much. It works exactly as I had hoped. I even modified it a bit to hid the week numbers that have not happened yet.

  4. #4
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    Re: Use Conditional Formatting to Hide Future Weeks

    You're welcome - and thanks for the rep.

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